So, a watched pot never boils

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The abrasive sound of Elias's phone alarm grew incessantly louder and louder until it gradually plateaued into an unremitting monotonous tone. The uninterrupted beeping persisted for a good five minutes as it began to seep into the plotlines of Tilly's dreams... before its rude awakening chafed her ears which were not accustomed to the vulgarity of waking up to such a ruckus.

Usually, Elias would already be awake and lying watchfully in bed to absorb the sonic shock of the alarm. Tilly disconcertedly raised herself in bed, peeping from under her blanket with large frowning eyes that were simultaneously dazed, confused, and irritated. She looked like a restless meerkat scouring the prairies for the source of an unfamiliar racket.

She finally located the source of the commotion on the nightstand by Elias's side of the bed. To her surprise, Elias was unexpectedly still fast asleep. He was completely unperturbed by the rowdiness of it all. Arching over the pile that was Elias's sleeping carcass and the towering of pillows and blankets over him, Tilly quickly turned it off. Taking a sigh of relief, she rested back on her side of the bed, relishing in the accomplishment of her successful little bedstead mission.

In the three years of their relationship, never before had the Monday morning experienced this much of the alarm. Tilly looked at Elias from her side of the bed.

Although she was happy that Elias had finally found rest, the fact that sleep had ultimately found him only after a long night out with Wayne, during which he questionably had failed to reply to her texts, was preying on her mind. However, Tilly's legal instincts reminded her that the mere peaceful sight of a serene Elias in a state of restful sleep failed to meet the legal standard of proof required to substantiate a criminal was not beyond a reasonable doubt.

"To wake him up or not to wake him...that is the question." Faced with the novelty of a new choice and the burden of responsibility that it had conferred upon her, she decided to let Elias sleep in for a while.

After nervously going through her emails, Tilly placed her buzzing phone back on the nightstand before she darted out of bed to eagerly brew a fresh pot of coffee. But more so, to commence her morning ritual of drinking her warm morning mug by the living room window as she greeted the day. The early morning sun was a frequent guest that auspiciously expected of her the observance of cordial hospitality. And whose majesty Tilly could not dare to disappoint.

...There was something magical about sleep that arrives after an excruciatingly long period of insomnia. Elias peacefully woke up from his slumber. His mind came to, with that calm ebbing and flowing of a lazy wave swaying with tranquility in a splendid sunrise seascape. He was awakening to a twilight of the mind and a pleasantly befuddled biological clock. A biological clock that was happily misled into making him feel that he had slept an entire day and that this sunrise was already that of the next one.

Feeling more than refreshed, he stayed in bed, gently stretching his body until he could not stretch any further. Upon reaching his elastic limits during a yawning stretch, he experienced that pleasant shudder of when the body extends to its utmost frontiers.

"Morning sleepyhead," Tilly said smilingly as she stood under the immersive spotlight of daybreak that shone through the living room window. It made her creamy white skin appear to glitter.

"Morning," he replied restfully as he languidly made his way to the bathroom as if in a state of some newly found trance.

Unaccustomed to the strange and unfamiliar experience of sleep after arduous insomnia, Elias felt like he could no longer tell the difference between dreams and memories.

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