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Hello lovely readers!!!!! Thank you so much for giving a chance to my book. I am glad that you selected this story and I assure you won't regret for it.

This is my first story book so I don't have an idea what to write about. I thought to start with the thing I know the most. It is I.

Some people can't express their feelings because they are scared of thinking how the other will respond to it or they don't know how to express their feelings, so some of them write songs to express their hidden feelings but what the rest of has to do then? I am not much good at writing songs, so should I hide my feelings till the death? I chose a different path, thought to write a story pregnant with my ever long hidden feelings.

They ask me "why don't you share any feeling with us but you stay with us every time we fall? Why can't you tell us don't you have trust on us?'' No it's the not the point, I do trust them but I don't have the courage to say what's on my mind. I'm in a battle between the heart and the brain. To what should I listen? What would you choose if you were in my place?

So it's better to pretend, hide and control feelings, but for how long am I going to play this role.

I never answered them with an exact answer but I don't want to regret for not being able to express my feelings so I take this opportunity to answer their all questions.

Through the protagonist of the story I recall myself; it may be not only my story but yours. Try to see out of the frame then you are capable of seeing what you cannot see.

NOTE: This is not my exact biography but kind of; only some parts are inspired by events of my own life. After all the feelings, views and ideas in the story brought out through the protagonist are real.

I don't know why I told this stuff but to be honest I felt that I should share these before the story rather than putting at the end of the story. I am new to this field so I spoke my heart out. I am not perfect so I do mistake but I try my best to give the best output.

By the way your feedbacks are highly appreciated. Don't forget to comment and vote lovelies. I hope you all enjoy the story. 

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