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***  She ran away in the dusk along the narrow path follows the blue land all alone herself. Their words have cut her soul deeper than any blade. She is dancing through the pain. It's too funny to know that the people who were by her side ended up as strangers making her all alone.

They said "I'm here, I'm there" but when she needed them the most, there was none only her shadow was.

When the sun also started rejecting her, her shadow too faded away without making a good farewell. The light is gone. Darkness ruled her sight. In front of her sorrows the wild waves of the sea were frozen and forgot their job as her pain was much louder than theirs. The nightingale which sings her heart aloud heard a scream at deep. It grew steeper and steeper. No one knew the reason which made her soul to act like that.

Was it love? No, but herself has put her down; each and every moment she forgives and forgets, not because she has a sensitive heart but she is one of a kind; does not wanted to make others pay for what they have done to her, because she never wanted to be like them. If she had given them a return then there will be no difference between her and them. She never wanted to be equal with them.

When they hate she loves; when they hurt she endures; when they harm she forgets; when they kills her soul she forgives. She is far beyond than a human. She has already passed her limits but still trying to have her inner peace. She cried, shed tears but no one knew for what the tears were.

There are many who tells "I know you" but believe me there is none who knows her exactly, because they only know the side she has allowed them to know. So who is this society on earth to know the hidden side of one's self? Without knowing the whole story just referencing to only one fact they make a story and judge and jump into conclusions. What is wrong with this society? Don't have they enough work to do without messing with others lives.

Then where were those people who told "I'll be there for you always no matter what happened", they all left. At last she was alone with herself.

She is not a Goddess she too need a few to understand her but there was none so she kept continuing her sorrows to fall over through her tears. Finally after oceans of tears she is fed up of crying. Her eyes have dried out like a field caught to a drought, there was neither moisture nor warm only the fire was inside.

Nevertheless, she needed a hero but there was none so she becomes one.

She gathers the pieces of her broken heart to regain the strength to stand on her own feet. A heart which possesses no feelings is all what she has now. She rises on her feet challenging the waves that she will be more rough and tough and wild than any of them in the era. She cut off her long shinning hair and threw it to the master of the waves making a pledge that she will cut off the throat of anyone whoever crosses the line. She is now filled with an everlasting goal. She walks straight with head held high. She wanted everyone to look high for her. She fights for her freedom. Is it her fault being born as a girl? Because of being a girl they restrict, limit her and shut down her capabilities. She is a caged bird whose wings have tied up with social norms and boundaries. She sees the light through the bars of it. She wants to fly beyond the boundaries but the injustice of people getting in her way. It is the turning point of her life. She wants to change everything so she burns her past because the artist is the phoenix who burns to emerge. She awakes the phoenix inside her. She is not the same type as the other girls, she is unique moreover extraordinary.

She will do anything to reach her goal in spite of the price it would take. She never gives up; she never goes back on her word, that is her way; her passion. Despite of the person's identity whoever distracts her path, she's gonna make them pay.

Here onwards not that same angel which everyone knew earlier was shining, because angels never live in hells. She flies across the sky with her burning wings echoing that the girl they labeled as a bitch, an unworthy, has a worthy of honor.

Although she made her heart a stone she always had the sincere, humble, innocent feelings but she never showed them up, because she was afraid people may ruin her again. Outsiders thought she is not a woman but a monster. Why won't they understand they are the ones who converted that angel into a monster? She may be no less to a monster. She was innocent but they broke her, so she has upgraded her monster version. Venerating her as a monster made them to look high for her. Now the ever gone respect has come. The pavement eyes look down casted with more respect and fear, which was in eye contact with her earlier.

This is the time for a new legend to shine up... ***

I was sunk deeply in my imaginations while writing the story before I heard a familiar voice calling out my name.

"Alexandra come over here before dinner gets cold" my grandma shouted bringing me back to conscious out of imaginary world. Although I wanted to continue writing the story a little more I kept the book and the pen on the table and headed to the dining room. I was so hungry as I was busy with my debuted story book at a stretch. By the way how can I say no to food!

"Look who's coming, our little author" she gave me a smile. Normally children are the ones who fond of listening grandmas stories but here the role reversal. She always liked my imaginative stories so I started to write a story using my ever long imaginative skills.

"Grandma" I kicked my ass out as soon as I saw the boiled potatoes on the table, "why potatoes always? We already had them day before yesterday, yesterday and today breakfast, lunch even for dinner. I mean why you always boil huge yellowed potatoes for me. Do you want me to see ended up as a pumpkin" I sighed. Just imagine eating boiled potatoes according to the same recipe three days in a row. What sort of punishment is this; I gave her a sad mood.

"When I was a kid my mother always fed me potatoes that is why I'm still strong, do you see now" she got a point. To be honest she is the strongest grandma I ever saw, she does all things all alone herself.

"Okay okay" I nodded admitting she is right, adding "but please no potatoes tomorrow. You know I have a big event".

She agreed so we had meals together and I did the dishes. Before I leave the dining room "you packed everything you want, right?" she reminded me. "Yeah don't worry "I reassured, "goodnight grandma". "Good night sweetie" she said.

I headed to my room and prayed God about tomorrow's event and slept on the bed leaving my phone plugged in the charger, hoping one of my dreams will come true tomorrow.

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