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Brand new decade. Everything was perfect, life money and family.

Kentrell and Kayla both got married. She finally forgave Kentrell and he hasn't been lying or trying to trick her anymore. He was actually being honest with her.

Kai still doesn't speak that much and Kacey is becoming more wild but he has been containing himself with his powers. They both go to school and can speak full Italian.

Kentrell still speaks to Ben and invited him over with the rest to Italy for a vacation at their home.

Kayla and Kentrell both had a new baby girl called Kaylee. Kayla picked the name this time as Kentrell picked the other two.

They moved to Italy finding it more relaxing at comfortable for them to start again. Kentrell doesn't work but he still gets money and Kayla stays at home with him both taking care of the newborn.

The two have been more affectionate and passionate with each other, which ended up making them have their newborn.

They were near perfect and they both couldn't say that they didn't love it.


"KACEY, KAI YOUR GONNA BE LATE." Kayla whispered yelled from the bottom of the stairs. She was getting them ready for school and dropping them off.

Kentrell slept during the morning until it was time to pick them up so usually he stays with Kaylee until Kayla came back.

"Trell we're leaving." She shouted, "Aight be safe." He groaned as he was sleeping with Kaylee on his stomach.

Exiting the house Kayla entered the car with the twins following. "Mommy can we go to the beach when we come home." Kacey asked making Kai nod.

"Yea because uncle Ben and Corey and Carmen are coming." She replied.

Dropping the twins off at school she gave them a kiss as they ran into the building. Driving home she listened to some of kentrell's unreleased music he was trying to become a rapper since he didn't have his drug business anymore.

Arriving home, she went upstairs to see Kentrell feeding Kaylee. "You Aight KK?"

"Yup, what time they are coming?" She questioned. "Like in 20 minutes, Ben texted me not so long ago. He said you should make your nice shrimp Alfredo." He laughed.

"Nigga always hungry." She said looking at Kaylee. "You think she gonna look like Kai?"

"Maybe, ion know. I mean Kai used to have hazel eyes now they brown and she got hazel eyes now too." He replied admiring her face.

Kaylee was about to turn one soon, her birthday was in November. She had curly hair and had her mother's skin colour.

"Is that the door?" Kentrell asked hearing banging coming from downstairs. "Ima see."

Kentrell got up and placed kaylee in Kayla's hand heading downstairs with his strap.

Opening the door, he saw it was Ben. "Wassup bro." Kentrell dapped him up.

"Where's Kayla I'm hungry." Ben said barging passed.

"She's upstairs with the baby she ain't cook yet, she will when I pick up the twins." Kentrell said watching his every movement.

"Can I see the new baby?" Ben asked.

"Nigga we sent you a picture what you need to see her for now?" Kentrell responded making Ben kiss his teeth.

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