Nean, 25 - 1381

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Today, I played Elementalball at the blue clan with a few friends of mine. Lucky for me, Amy was busy doing other things – I wouldn't like her watching me playing this particular sport.

For clarification: I know how to play it; theoretically. Somehow I still manage to mess things up every, single, time!

And Amy likes to make fun of me because of it.

Even though I tend to mess the game up, it is still fun to play. At least my team won this time! I may be the leader of the blue clan, but I am certainly not the best at Elementalball, which just so happens to be the most popular, and therefore, most played sport in Draonia Ila.

My favorite sport is swimming, maybe because my element is water.

I am a bit tired after this long day, but writing is, as I found out just now, quite relaxing.

Sometimes I can't believe that in only a few months, it's time to leave Draonia Ila. It feels like yesterday, the day I arrived, the day I became a clanleader, and the day Amy and I got together.

Time flies fast. Incredibly fast. This reminds me of Amy's Plan to bring Kevin and Paul together. If she still wants to go through with her plan, I suggest she should hurry up a bit – or leave them alone to think and figure out what's going on.

Now I know that even though I may be not that busy, it is still a challenging task, leading a clan. I think the hardest thing is leaving Draonia. Your clan is your home. It's hard to leave your family. But it is necessary, so the kingdom of Draonia functions properly. That's why (some of) the old rules are still important...

I guess I'm too tired. That's it for today. I'm going to sleep...


I think Kiara was bored, because she basically wrote nothing!

Maybe I should just go ahead and skip the next few days – just to the point where the interesting things start to happen.

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