Isala, 6 - 1381

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Today was a great day! I was in the yellow clan in the morning to pick Jonas up from his meeting with Nick – it was totally not an excuse to visit Amy again. Some people invented a new flavor of popsicles. Of course, I had to try it. It was sooo delicious. I have no idea what flavor it was, but I know for sure that the color of it was yellow.

Another thing I did today was helping our librarians with the task of sorting the books into their right places. Why? Because the amount of books that had to be out back into their right locations was too much to handle.

I took a tower of books that had t be sorted into the biology section – where I also ended up holding Amy's book again. I smiled and put the book carefully in its new place. That was also the last the last book that I had to put back.

After returning from the biology section to the main section, the heart of the library, I chatted with a few people about how the library was getting bigger and bigger because of the amount of books and scrolls stored there. If we didn't use a system with magic to register everything – it would be impossible to keep track of everything. Doesn't change a thing about the fact that the yellow clan has an even bigger library.

I have no idea how many books are in the library of the blue clan. Of course, every book is registered in the system, so I could go and check the numbers – if I didn't forget it all the time.

Well, I could do it now, but that would be against the rules – because it is too late in the evening. There are rules regarding nighttime to ensure that everyone has enough sleep.

And just because I'm a clanleader, it does not mean that I can just break the rules – to be specific, the rules that I approved. If somebody is unhappy with the rules of the clan – for whatever reason – then things can always be changed so everyone is happy.

It makes no sense to keep some old rules if nobody likes them, right?

The rules are there for a reason, to ensure that everyone lives together in harmony.

I mean – we are still people with different feelings and personalities, so fights and arguments are unavoidable. And I don't expect people to instantly get along – not where people of different ages, all from different backgrounds and cultures clash together. Especially when everyone is new to a country like this.

Why am I drifting off to a different topic again?

Whatever – it doesn't matter, does it?


Rules? Well, the purple clan sure has no rules at all – Maybe there are a few. But if I can't remember, it isn't important. Or was it the other way around?


Maybe this is why they complained about the lack of rules and regulations here...

... but what are they supposed to expect from us? That we change it? Nope. Especially Jonas was kind of annoying when they were here. Yes, I don't want to go further into that topic – I already wrote about it. And I have to stay neutral to history. Even if I'm involved. It gets frustrating.

Something like that. It is not like I need to remember the rules anyways. My whole existence is kind of against the rules if I think about it. But it isn't like I'm walking around breaking every law in the existence of the universe, right? Oh -

I think I need to do something for a while ... Maybe read some more pages here and try to find something important...  

             - Luna

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