Alvea, 20 - 1381

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Remember the dictionary? Yeah – Amy did throw it on someone. I don't really understand why. Something with books? Amy mentioned it vaguely.

At least she didn't throw it at Erasmus. I wonder what the person did, that Amy decided to throw her beloved dictionary at them. What I can't understand is why Amy carries a heavy dictionary around all the time.

Well, if she carries it in her bag, it isn't heavy anymore.

That is why I love magical bags. I mean those here in Draonia. You can not only carry around a lot of things, but they also don't get heavier.

I wonder how the bags are made – I never bothered to look that up.

Anyways, where was I? The dictionary! Yes, I don't know why she carries a heavy dictionary with her all the time. As far as I can see, she barely uses it to look things up.

But who am I to judge? I mean I also carry a lot of seemingly useless stuff around.

Unlike Amy though, I decide to NOT throw it around. There is also a rule in the blue clan that states that you should not harm other on purpose. And I'm sure that throwing others falls under that. I guess that is why Amy is not in the blue clan. Not only because she spends half of the day in the library.

To be honest, I can understand why the people of the yellow clan spend so much time in their library. Yes, I know that the yellow clan values knowledge most – which indirectly states that the library is an important place there. I mean I've been there. This place is huuuge! And definitely differently designed than the library of the blue clan. The focus of the design of the library in the yellow clan is not only the amount of books it has to store , but also on the amount of books stored there, but also on the comfort un the library that it is easily possible to spend the whole day there. That reminds me – Amy wanted to meet me at the library ... in a few minutes? Bye!


Oh yeah the library! It is even said that the library of the yellow clan is the biggest in Draonia. From what I have seen, I can say that this isn't true. The clan with the biggest library in Draonia Ila Is the purple clan. My clan. My favorite thing about our library is the huge slide. Not only is it colorful and fun to use, but it is also an easier way to get from the upper to the lower levels.

For the other way around, we have the elevator. And yes, we have an elevator. This is where many people are surprised. Elevators are a thing that don't exist in many dimensions. – And in the other clans.

But the purple clan was always different from the other five clans. But I think this is not what I wanted to write in the first place ...


I know who the person was who got the dictionary thrown at from Amy!

It was me! And if you ask if it had hurt, yes it did.

Lucky for me, I'm quite good at healing spells. And the dictionary was not damaged, unlike my head.

I caught it with a levitation spell before it fell on the ground.

The old dictionary was oddly familiar, even though I'm sure that I have never seen it before. But I shook the feeling off and have the dictionary back to Amy. "Why did you throw it at me?", I asked. Amy took the dictionary from me, surprised that I was calm and seemed well, and explained it to me. I won't write the whole thing here.

Okay, I better go and grab my lunch, I'm hungry.

See you next time!

(Wait, you're still reading this diary? Congrats for making it so far! But I sure hope that

Kiara doesn't find this.)

Diary of a clanleaderWhere stories live. Discover now