Alvea, 18 - 1381

11 2 0

I don't know how I expected this afternoon to be. But it definitely went a lot different then what I imagined it to be.

I swear it was already weird that Paul and Kevin were there before I came. On time. As far as I can remember, this never happened before.

Erasmus was also there, discussing with Sofie whether she should use this specific crystal for her potions or not. They came to the conclusion that she can use it but should be more careful with it.

Sofie prepared her favorite game: uhh, I can't remember the name ...


Amy tried her best to beat Erasmus at the game. I still can't understand why Paul is so good at every single game. He insists that the only game he is supposedly bad at is his favorite game.

We tried our best to understand it, but neither of us could get it. – So, we never play it. Therefore, we never saw if his statement was true.

Kevin on the other hand... now he was busy with teaching Paul his ominous motions. I wonder what is so special about it.

Sofie won the first round of the game. Because, lucky for her, Paul was distracted by Kevin while Amy and Erasmus were busy arguing about the game. I can't say that I'm a great challenge. I mean I also needed to calm down girlfriend every now and then. Otherwise, she would have hit Erasmus with the dictionary – and I don't think that this would be a good idea. The dictionary is very big and heavy. It was definitely not a good idea to throw it around. Especially with the high number of unknown potions lying around.

Sofie seemed to be more worried about the potions than about the wellbeing of Erasmus. Similar to Amy, who worried more about the pages of the dictionary, that they might be damaged if she throws it.

Erasmus didn't seem to care about his own wellbeing either, or he depended on me to calm Amy down just in time (but I guess the first, because it isn't likely for him to rely on others that much. This is where the red clan is awfully similar to the adventurers).

To summarize the whole afternoon in one sentence: It was very chaotic. But somehow, I liked it. Strange, when I think about the fact that the clan I'm leading values order and rules above everything else. Maybe because it reminds me of the few good memories I made in my past before Draonia.

I wonder when the next Via-Party in my clan is. I think the next one was planned for the 4th of Isala.

The special thing about Via-Parties is that they are past bedtime and are therefore an exception to this rule. They are the exception to our usual rules, that's why there is a whole new set of rules just for that.

Yeah ...- I mean I have studied the rules of my clan, that's how I became the leader of the blue clan


I wonder why Kiara stopped writing at this exact point. Maybe she had other, more important things to do.

I'm glad Amy didn't throw the dictionary at Erasmus. Not for the sake of the book, but for the sake of the game because I'm sure this would have ruined the good mood.

Even though the dictionary seemed to be very big and heavy, it wouldn't be hard for Amy to actually throw it. Seriously. I have experienced that. And damn, Amy can throw it really well. But that is another story for another day.

Anyways, seems like a pretty normal day. Besides the fact that Paul and Kevin aren't oblivious to their feelings for each other anymore.

But I'm sure that something else also happened on that day ... what was it again, let me check my notes ... - I lost them again. I better go search for the notes! Then until next time! If I don't forget it...

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