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I let out a tired sigh as I plopped myself down on the small sofa after a long boxing practice. I placed the cigarette that was in between my fingers in between my lips.

Smell of smoke, rubbish, food leftovers, clothes, everything are at the place they're not supposed to be at. Home sweet home what can I say. All i need is some peaceful silence and my lovely little laptop. As long as i got those two in my hands, I can survive anywhere.

I opened my laptop that was on the floor which was once on the sofa but I kicked it down.

"Let's see," my eyes scanned the laptop screen until it landed on a familiar name. "Diaz Fernandez. 53, billionaire. This guy looks interesting. He looks like someone I would point my gun to randomly if I see him on the streets just because of his looks. Let me get a background check on him," I raised my eyebrow at the sudden thought.

There's no way on earth that this guy has no criminal records.

"what the- damn that's a lot," I stated as my finger continued to scroll down the pages about his background.


"My man you got too much free time on your hands, huh?," I snickered at the thought. I kept scrolling for what felt like an hour.

So old man got his own hackers too? Well, two can play this game.

This is gonna be so much fun.

However, the fun didn't get to last for so long until someone broke down my door. Looks like my boxing session has yet to finish. 3 guys dressed in all black came rushing in. Two of them had weapons. A knife and a pistol.

Nothing i'm not used to.

A bullet was fired my way but I was quick to dodge it. I snapped the guy's wrist as he winced in pain. He lost his grip on the pistol and it fell on the ground. I took the opportunity to pick it up and fired two shots through his chest.

"Who even are these guys,"

I was put in a headlock in a blink of an eye. The other guy tried to slash my neck but I stepped back and looked up quickly not letting the knife anywhere near my skin. Knocked out the guy behind me at the same time as well.

His nose must be in real pain right now.

The guy with the knife tried to stab my chest. I turned sideways to avoid the attack, broke his arm and slashed his neck with the knife instead. How the tables turned.

I stood there out of breath as I watched the two men bringing their dead friend out of my apartment. They were limping and whimpering, scared of what to come next.

"Why were they limping i didn't touch no one's legs though?? Whatever. I just need some good rest right now," I murmured as I took a shower and wrapped my day up.

Today was one long day. Can't wait for tomorrow.

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