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A/N : Y'ALL 200+ READS IN TWO DAYS WHATTHEFUCHSEAJSH THANK U SM. pls leave comments on your opinions on my book that would be appreciated <3 i had so much fun writing this one AAAAA i'll try to update often :) y'all eating good i see- anyways enjoy reading!!


"Isabelle Alvares. I want you to kill her," Diaz stated as he took a sip of his coffee. 

My eyes widened slightly. I was kidnapped and brought here just to kill some girl I don't know for no reason? 

"Kill her? Why me out of all people? Why can't your men do it?" The fact that he's asking me, a woman, to kill another woman shows how much of a coward he is. 

"I'm not just asking you to kill her. I want you to track her as well. The reason you're here is because I want you to use your hacking skills to track her down. She already killed half of my men and tried to kill me not long ago. I want you to get rid of her," Diaz said, almost pleading but tried not to show it because that will just make him look weak. 

Why do almost all of the men I've met does this? Right. They're egoistic.

"And what do I get in return?" I tilted my head as I questioned the man in front of me. "10 million dollars would be in your hand the moment you took her down," offered Diaz as another one of his men placed a black briefcase on top of the table and opened it. Stacks of money arranged neatly inside the black briefcase. Soon to be mine I see. I glanced at Diaz to see him smirking.

"My best soldiers will help you throughout the mission. What do you say Miss Clara?" I cringed at the way he said my name. My name is too good to be coming out of his filthy mouth.

"Deal. but if I catch you or your men slipping even once i'll come for you first things first, Diaz Fernandez," I threatened.

"You got it, princess. We'll start our work tomorrow morning," Diaz and his men snickered. My blood was boiling as they couldn't take me seriously ever since my first step in this room.

"Men." I muttered under my breath. "What was that?" Asked one of his men, sounding slightly offended. 

"Men. Y'all are the type of men to harass everyone in sight I can just tell," I stated out once again, loud enough of for them to hear me. "Was that loud enough for you?" they scoffed at my sarcastic remark.

"How dare you, woman!" The man slapped my right cheek. The sting didn't last long. "All I said was that. Why are you being so sensitive?" He raised his hand to slapped me once again. 

"You piece of-," "Carlos , that's enough! Get it together! Only attack when I tell you to. You know the consequences very well, don't you?" Daggers were sent through Diaz's eyes.

"Yes boss," Carlos muttered, intimidated by his boss. I wonder if Diaz kills his own men if they disobey him.

"Take her to her 'room' and make sure she can't escape anytime soon," hearing him emphasising the word 'room' gave me an uneasy feeling in my stomach. We exchanged glances, more like glares. 

I was pulled up harshly from my chair and got dragged out of the room.

"Where are you shitheads taking me," I tried kicking the air to get out from their grip but those men were twice my size so struggling while being handcuffed was no use. 

"Quit moving you look like a goddamn fish," They both tightened their grip, if it was even possible. I gave up and just let the two bulky men take me to god knows where.

After what felt like hours of walking, I was shoved into a.....prison cell?? I saw this coming but I didn't expect it to look like a damn pig farm. Smells like one too. And I had the audacity to think no place can be messier than my house oh god.

Carlos' friend took out a keychain full of keys and locked my cell.

"Don't you dare escape or you won't be coming out in one piece," Carlos pointed towards me. "Coming from someone who slapped a woman because she called him sensitive," At that moment, I swear Carlos was about to break down the cell bars. He smacked the wall near him hard.

"Woah. Touched a nerve there," I acted like I was scared which did not ease his anger at all. 

"Carlos let's just go before things get bad," the man pulled him far away from my cell. "I have my eyes on you, lady," Carlos looked back at me.

Can this man like go to an anger management centre or something. He's critical.

I sighed and plopped down on the bed. Today was way too tiring. Looks like Leo have to survive outside on his own for a few days. Poor guy.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2021 ⏰

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