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The beginning
(based on The Lego Movie)

"2 years past, all the ancients had been released to the outside dimension. There 65 dragons swallowed by wormhole and dies and dissappear. All the world is at the helm taking captains lincense test and the world is very different, the first one was the world called Galaxy Grace, a home of Silk/Nights. On the other hand, is the Songwingers the home of Rain/Nights and Sand/Rain. All of the world once destroyed, every day its gone forever, not until the beggining. Everyone just stop FIGHTING, after the world is going to get a change, after then, the eggs are stolen but the rest were taken to the safe place where no monsters get them. Afterwards, in a safe place the eggs hatched into a.........

The Silk/Nightwing, after she was hatched the world's faced the enemies and thoughts, proves about everything, including the team of Nightwing hybrids, they are finally called......


The Wings fo Galaxy Grace.....

------Master Heckory, Systar's Sydney

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