-Part 1-

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       Yamaguchi's PoV

It was a day like any other, as I was on my way to greet my childhood friend... and crush... when I saw him with a girl whose hair looked comparable to sunlight. She looked... perfect? No... Can't say that, I'm only looking at her backside... But since it was clear I was now notably staring, I decided to introduce myself to her.

"Good morning Tsukki! Who's this?" I plastered on my best believable smile. The small blonde faced me, and her face... lit up?

"Oh! You must be Yamaguchi! I'm Hinā Riare. Kei talks about you a lot~!" She said that last bit with a smug look

"Shut up, Dumbass..." the salty 1st year remarked.

"If I'm correct, you two met in Primary School?" Hinā asked

"Yeah, Yams attracted some dickheads, I told 'em off, and he's stuck by me since" Tsukki replied with.. almost a happy sigh?
No... he's not in to guys.. I don't think, at least.. However, I honestly really hoped Hinā wasn't his lover. But apparently I looked, almost nauseated  as the 6"4 blocker commented

"Hey, you good? Coach won't let you play if you're ill" he said with his trademark sarcasm. Never minding that, my heart sort of warmed.. knowing he cared.
"Hey, Hinā, how do you know Tsukki?" I sort of blurted.

"Oh, we're cousins! Although some tend to mistake us as siblings" they both eerily said at the exact same time.

"I can see the confusion.." I mumbled. Just then, the first period bell rang and we parted ways. In a way, I was left happy knowing Tsukki at least isn't hers. "C'mon, don't wanna be late!" I said, latching onto him. Wrong move.

"Tadashi. Off. We AREN'T a couple" He said as he practically threw me off of his arm.

"S-sorry..." I teared up, both physically and emotionally hurt, as was made clear by the massive new bruise I felt on my arm from slamming into the wall.

"Well? Aren't you going to first period? Don't just lay around!" He huffed. When I didn't respond, he scoffed and left after saying "Go ahead then. Be late. Don't bother asking me for notes again, though" "God... why are you like this" he muttered before leaving.
After I got a moment to process what happened, I ditched and fled to the bathroom, crying and just fucking hating myself! Like, c'mon! He isn't into me! So... why do I chase after him..?

"Why the hell doesn't he even care..?" I cried to myself, buried into myself in the stall.

"Tadashi? Is that you?" I hear after a couple of foot steps. I immediately recognized the voice of my team's vice captain, Kōshi Sugawara.

"Y-yeah.. just having guys problems... again" I sighed.. Suga walked over to my stall and knocked

"Wanna talk about it?" I didn't answer at first, but slowly opened the stall, and fell into his arms, starting to sob.

"You're damn lucky it's my free period. Otherwise we'd both get our asses handed to us, because I'm sure as hell not leaving until my cheery underclassman is CHEERY again" he said, worried, stern, and reassuring, all in one. But I could also hear a bit of mischief in his tone, like the same mischief that decided to possess Tanaka and Noya-Senpais.

"I appreciate it, Sugawara, I really do, but I shouldn't rope you into my stuff.." I sighed

"Listen, if it was Noya or Tanaka, I'd give them a hug, pat on the back, and some encouraging words. But I know you, and I know whatever happened must've really hurt you. Now, wanna head out to the garden and talk?" He smiled, gripping my bruises. I winced, and this just set a raging flame in him. "Who. The FUCK. Did. It?!" He said, rolling up my sleeve carefully to inspect the large blueish greenish blackish mark on my upper arm

"T-Tsukki..." I stuttered, knowing I would get the whiplash, probably with a slap.

"That son of a BITCH is getting benched, doing extra EVERYTHING, AND-"

"Suga, no.. please.. He isn't worth it.." I managed to say, as words like those WOULD NEVER be used to describe Kei by me

"Nope. Still happening. And I'm making sure Daichi-San follows through, although I know he DEFINITELY will after he sees this shit!" Within an hour, Kei was not only suspended from the club, but also was forced to be put on the bench for a month when he got back, and yes, Suga got his way with extra EVERYTHING.

I'm sorry...حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن