-Part 2-

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About a week after... our fight, for lack of a better term, Tsukki...shima... couldn't look me in the eyes or even talk to me. I think he was more hurt than me.. But when he came back to practice, he just gave me the cold shoulder.. and glared at me once or twice.. In the end, I made sure we didn't go to practices at the same time, he still went to morning ones, while I went to evening ones. I'll admit, it's petty, but I'd rather him not acknowledge me at all if he's going to do this. And it really made a hit in the team, they ALL could sense something off between us after that. I mean, sometimes I flinched or even teared up at his name.
"Hey, Tadashi, is everything alright? Did you and Tsukishima break up or something?" Asahi-San asked at one point.

"Well, in Kei's words.. 'we were never a couple to begin with'..!" I started to tear up, my fake smile fading.
Fucking pathetic. I can't even mention his name without crying like a wuss! Goddamn it Tadashi!
"Forget I said anything. Let's just get back to practice" I said, going cold. After a while, we began to drift apart, Tsukishima and I.

"Hey, Yamaguchi... want me to set for you?" He asked one night, with an awkward smile.. But I just brushed it off

"No thanks... Gotta get home" I said, trying to take my leave.

"Why. Why do you shut me out?! For the past month I've been trying to make it up to you! Trying to be nicer! Doing my damn best to be the friend-"
"BECAUSE YOU BROKE MY HEART! I WAS INLOVE WITH YOU FOR NEARLY A DECADE!" That caught his attention. And I started tearing up again.. "A-and you just treated me like SHIT! After the incident, I just gave up on you.."

"Y-You're inlove with me?" He shakily asked..

"I was, Bitch. Not anymore. I've had enough of your tug-of-war. I'm done with you hurting me." I coldly glared. I ignored him further and walked home, unaware of how fucked up my welcome would be.

"Practice ran later than expected" I said, avoiding eye contact.

"Oh Bull-shit! All you do is lay around with those shit magazines. I doubt you're even in a small club!" He huffed

"Tads really is on the team, Dad!" My younger brother whined to my defense. Hey, at least someone in this hell-hole cares about me..
"As if! If this lazy bastard WERE on the team, which he's not, he wouldn't be cooped up with his nonexistent friends in his room. Hell, I bet you have to bribe your 'friends' that you'll do their homework if they pretend to even tolerate you!" He brutally laughed.. I had enough of guys trying to get me to break down and just internally die, so I showed him both videos and pictures proving I was on the team, the starting lineup to be exact.

"Who's the lazy bastard now, Yamaguchi Enji?" I stormed out and actually packed a seperate bag and took my stuff to leave for the night. Or at least, that was a bit after he grabbed me and 'returned the favor' with a hard and very audible slap. Before I left for the night, I did my best to cover it up.

Hey, can I crash
over at your place?

Hey Dude.
You never text..

Why? I mean yeah,
but I'd like to
know why, if it's

Well.. you'll definitely
see when I get there..

And it isn't pretty..
just a heads up

After arriving at Tanaka-Senpai's, all it took was him to see my face and he understood. You see; he, Noya-Senpai, and Tsukishima all know about... 'Dear ol Dad' and his... tendencies... so he told me he can stay as long as I need, and even offered to sneak in and raid my room so I could move into the guest room.

The next day after practice, however, the concealer Big Sis let me use had come off thanks to ne working up a sweat.

"What the fuck is that?!" Asahi-San... surprisingly... sternly asked. "What the hell happened yesterday?" He continued, checking me (without being creepy) for any other bruises.

"Was it him Tadashi?" Noya-Senpai cut in. All it took was a shaky nod, and he picked up a ball, imagined it was my father, and threw it at a wall so hard you'd think it was Hinata that got slammed.. "That BASTARD!" He yelled, only then realizing the ball rebounded to Daichi-San - "OH SHIT! Uh... Asahi, can you fix him..?" He sheepishly chuckled.

The tall male sighed and got down, before saying; "Daichi-San...  um.. Suga's getting hit on.. he looks really uncomfortable" in a moment, our Big, Brave captain... was a clingy man-child, latching onto his silver-haired boyfriend, shouting;

"MY BOYFRIEND! YOU CAN'T HAVE HIM, ASSHOLE!" and then realizing he got played. He was really red, Sugawara-San was slightly flustered, but we all laughed, before things got serious again. Daichi-San and Sugawara-San both called up their squads after I was made to explain, and started planning a murder.. at the end of the day, I had to convince like 20 teens NOT to murder the douchebag that is my father.
"So, what do we do when my father acts up?" I asked trivially.

"Make sure no one suspects us" Kenma said, not looking up from his PSP.

"No body, no problem~!" Oikawa said with a smug glare.

"Get the portable chem lab to get rid of the evidence" Kurro and Akashi said in unison.
"NO! NO TO ALL OF THOSE!" I panicked.

"How about.. making it look like natural cause?" Usijima stepped in, which terrified ALL of us.


Holy shit! This is like 1040 words! Anyways, the next part is the last one

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