-The End-

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After a while, news got out to the rest of the team, and Tsukishima REALLY tried to mend our relationship.. But, this one night, was not how I wanted things to go- not how ANYONE wanted things to go- I was going home, after a late-night shift at my new part-time job and some light grocery shopping, when I passed by Coach Ukai's store.

I happened to notice someone from the team, I couldn't tell who it was, but saw the jacket, and waved at them. They waved back. When I went on my way to home, I heard said someone practically run out. It was Kei!

Now that I think about it, I think he's actually gotten really friendly, like more than friends friendly. I- I think he was just too blinded by everything to realize it, but it's so OBVIOUS NOW! The subtitle stutters, the avoiding eye contact, all of it! He had finally been able to return my feelings... but it's a little too late now.. Just as my thoughts were confirmed, I heard him almost yell

"Yams! I-I've been meaning to tell you! I- I LOVE-" thud. My thud. While I was lost in thought, A car had come, not able to stop soon enough. I blacked out, feeling cold.... the last thing I heard before losing all sense of everything was

"Sorry kid, he has no pulse"

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