[dealing with the perverted grape]

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A purple haired guy with a white headband suddenly showed up while Y/N was attempting to leave the school. She sighed. The poor girl already had to deal with a bunch of guys while still in class. She hoped that this one was the last and hoping he would leave soon so she could do the same. Good thing he's in the same uniform...

Then Y/N noticed he was looking at a particular area which just so happened to be her chest. "Err- how can I help you?" she asked nervously after crossing her arms to make an effort to cover her torso. And to restrain her urge to kick him. He may even be a decent guy so I'll give him a shot.

"Hey," he said. "you're pretty cu-" then a flash of bright pink came and knocked him out with a small hit. She blushed with embarrassment and gratitude. I can't believe Saiki would go out of his way to protect me from such a person. Even a schoolmate!  "Thank you so much. I hope I can return the favor someday," she said while bowing. She looked back up at him to see an expression plainly saying:

"This is to pay you back for giving me the coffee jelly"

Y/N didn't want to admit it but, she was shaking. Shaking with laughter, that is. "I'm so sorry, Saiki-san. I can't believe you're doing all of this for me just because I gave you some coffee jelly," she gasped between laughs. It took a minute for her to stop. Then she noticed him looking slightly annoyed. "I am truly grateful for your help. I'll make you some more coffee jelly for that," she said quickly.

Saiki glared at her for a second, then his expression softened. He even smiled. A small smile but it was genuine. He nodded and dragged the purple-haired guy away. Then Y/N once again blushed in shame in embarrassment. I could have taken down this guy. I can fight too!

Then...she found the downside. She would attract a lot of attention, as being a "pretty girl." With Saiki looking like an average person, he blended in and avoided unnecessary notice. Y/N walked home and sat right at the doorstep in exhaustion. 

She stood up and groaned as she remembered her homework. Getting out her books, she couldn't help but think about that smile Saiki gave her. Then she quickly got rid of her thoughts and cursed herself from thinking about him.

He do be kinda cute, though-

🎀𝐝𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭🎀Saiki Kusuo x f!Y/N🌹🍮Where stories live. Discover now