[bi panic: the sequel]

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"Ugh, what am I going to wear?" Y/N groaned. "This is a disaster! I can't just wear a hoodie and sweatpants! Aiura-san is going to think I'm a hobo!"

Frantically searching her closet, Y/N had 30 minutes to make up a casual but chic outfit.

Looking through her clothes, her thoughts flurried inside her head in a panic.. T-shirt, jeans, dress pants, skirt, gym shorts, another pair of jeans, old faded hoodie, a giant sweater, pajama pants, more jeans, cute blouse, another t-shirt. Wait.  Y/N stopped in her tracks.

"A cute blouse! I'm saved! And it's comfy too!" Y-N checked her phone for the time. "Oh no, seventeen minutes to get there. Time to rush, then."

 Y/N grabbed a pair of loose, nice jeans that were obviously over worn and faded. She had no need for makeup (cuz Y/N is jus so pretty like that <3), so she put on her shoes and rushed out the door.

After walking a while, she saw Aiura standing outside the cafe door waiting for her. "N/N-chan! You're here!" she said waving. "You look really cute!"

"Hey, Aiura-san!" Y/N replied. "Wanna go in?"

"Sure!" Aiura said. "And you can call me Mikoto, or Miko, if you want!"

 Her smile radiated off of her and made Y/N grin too. "Alright, Miko-chan!"

They went inside the cafe and sat down. "Hey, Aiur- I mean Miko-chan. What are you getting? Everything's on me, don't worry!" Y/N asked.

"Hmm, I don't know," Aiura said. "Everything looks so good, I just can't decide!" she complained.

"Are you ready with your orders?" a familiar voice with a familiar face asked. It was the same waitress as last time. She was wearing a baby blue dress, decorated with a lace collar and puffy short sleeves. Her purple-tipped hair still styled into pigtails.

(A/N : I can't use pictures at the moment so I'll leave it to your imagination!)

"Y-Yeah!" Y/N stammered. "I'll have the omelet rice and an iced coffee, please."

"Oh, that sounds good. Then I'll also have an omelet rice and a matcha latte," Aiura said. "Thanks!"

Y/N put her head down in embarrassment. I sound like a Wattpad character...

About five minutes later, they got their food. "I swear Iida is the chef," Y/N laughed.

Aiura looked confused. "Who's Iida?" she asked. "Someone you knew before you transferred?" She took a bite out of her food and her eyes widened. "Wow! N/N you just gotta try this!"

Y/N said, "Don't worry about it right now." She laughed it off and also started to eat. She relaxed her shoulders and smiled. "Yeah, this is pretty good."

The pretty waitress! Y/N almost forgot...

After Y/N and Aiura finished their food (and talked for a long time), Y/N saw a flash of a neatly done pigtail in the corner of her eye. It's her!

The waitress walked past them when Y/N started to speak. "Uhm-"

"Hey, waitress!" Aiura cut in. "You're quite pretty aren't you?" She beamed as she spoke, and was obviously confident with her words.

She came over and smiled shyly. "Thank you," she said softly. The waitress looked at Y/N and said, "Are you ready for your check?"

Y/N nodded as she reached down into her pockets for her wallet.

Wait...there was nothing in that pocket. Her phone was in the other one. Y/N started to panic silently.

"Is something wrong?" the waitress asked. 

Y/N tried to keep calm. "Aha, no of course not!" She nervously smiled.

But alas, the waitress was smart. "Have you forgotten your wallet?" she asked hesitantly.

Y/N was caught. "Yes...sorry," she replied anxiously.

"It's on the house, don't worry."

She stared at the waitress in awe. Beautiful words. Such lovely sentiment with much meaning. A free meal! Nothing is better than this!

Y/N stood up and bowed profusely. "Are you sure? Thank you so much!" She glanced at Aiura who was also graciously thanking the waitress.

"Uwaaa, you're so cool!" Aiura gushed. "I NEED your name. And your number!" she begged.

The waitress laughed in a very adorable and reserved manner. "My name is Kaneko Ichika. Please call me however you see fit. I can give you "

"So polite!" Y/N blurted. "Well, it's nice to meet you, Kaneko-san," she said nervously.

Aiura cheered happily, "Hope we can become good friends, Ichichi-chan!"

(Ughh. This took me a LONG time. It's hard to balance school, extracurriculars, and this. And if you have a better nickname for poor Ichika, PLEASE tell me. I'm hopeless at this)

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