[panic attacks]

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Goodness, gracious, great balls of fire. That just happened.

Y/N was completely shocked that Saiki totally just asked her on a date. It happened. It finally happened.

And the first thing she did was text Aiura and Kaneko to come over to her house immediately.

Saturday was only two days away, of course.

.  .  .

"Hey, N/N! We're here!" Aiura called out from the doorway.

"Aha, yeah...uhm...just come upstairs," Y/N replied.

"L/N-san? Are you alright? You sound panicked," Kaneko said worriedly.

They walked inside to see a very heavily blushing Y/N.

"Guys, you gotta help me," Y/N whimpered from under a massive pile of clothes.

"Woah! N/N-chan, what's up with all this?" Aiura exclaimed.

Y/N held out her phone and showed them the text chain between her and Saiki. "I'm totally helpless..." she complained.

Their jaws dropped. "What?!" they screamed at Y/N.

"Wait, hold on, N/N-chan. That's amazing!" Aiura sputtered.

Kaneko smiled. "At least explain it to us in the text," she said, shaking her head.

"Yeah, it sounded real urgent, didn't it?" Y/N laughed nervously. "At any rate, please help me with my outfit. I have no idea what I should wear to a date."

Aiura squealed. "Thank goodness I'm a gyaru!"

Y/N, Aiura, and Kaneko spent the next two hours trying to find the perfect outfit for a date. As it was a "surprise", no one knew what kind of date Saiki would take Y/N out for.

"He loves coffee jelly, doesn't he?" Y/N wondered aloud. "Then he might take me to a coffee shop."

"Ugh, tell us that before we spend two hours finding a fancy outfit," Kaneko groaned.

"Sorry," Y/N said guiltily.

Aiura looked up from the pile of clothes. "Less talking, more finding. Let's go!"

Another hour later...

"Are you sure about this?" Y/N whimpered.

"Yes," Aiura said confidently.

Kaneko affectionately wrapped her arms around Y/N's shoulders. "Don't worry, L/N-san. It's cute!"

Aiura whispered to Y/N, "If you're that worried, I looked into the future, and he seems to like it~"

Y/N swallowed heavily. "If you say so," she mumbled nervously.

.  .  .

The next two days before Saturday, Y/N spent all her time overthinking and panicking. She tried to find a better outfit, but she decided to just listen to Aiura.

Y/N paced around the house, contemplating on the purpose of life and if it was actually worth going. Maybe Kusuo is as equally nervous.

Saiki's POV

She's panicking. I should've expected it.

And Saiki was as well. He's a psychic, for Pete's sake. Why was he, out of all people, nervous for a date?

He stared at his closet for 30 minutes.

What'll she be wearing?

.  .  .

Oh, that's what she's wearing. I think I have something that matches it.

He tried on the outfit and looked at himself. Well, it's better than nothing.

Like most people, when he wasn't sure, he consulted his mother. So he teleported downstairs to where his mother was cooking dinner.


His mother turned around. She beamed lovingly. "Hi, Kuu-chan! What do you need?"

Saiki was embarrassed to ask his mother for fashion advice, but nonetheless, he needed it. 'Um, so would this be okay to wear?'

His mother stopped her cooking momentarily. "Sure, Kuu-chan, but why are you asking me?"

Saiki's cheeks turned pink. 'It's to go...to a coffee shop.'

"With who?"

Saiki turned a deeper shade of pink. 'Why do you need to know?'

"It's that L/N girl, isn't it?" His mother started to grin from ear to ear. "Then of course, it's fine to wear, but next time, don't be so blunt about it."

'Don't tell Oto-san.'

"I won't. I'm just so happy," his mother said wiping a tear.

(A/N: Whoo! Second post today! I'm working double time while my mum is asleep. I wanna finish this story as soon as possible, so I'm sorry if some of it is incoherent!)

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