Chapter 3

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    Y/n's POV
I wake up from a dreamless sleep after having two night terrors in a row, Karl's arms are still warped tightly around me. He giggles as I stir awake, "good morning," he says softly
        I giggle "morning. Sorry about last night by the way, it's not normally that bad, I don't really remember much even," I say quickly.
        "It's fine, you couldn't control them anyways so I can't blame anyone," he says softly. There's a small silence
         "Ya... thanks though, I've never had someone there to comfort me like how you did," my words make my face to hot
Karl giggles and starts to get up, "it's no biggie!" He says and walks over to his closet, grabbing a few things before walking over and practically pulling me out of his bed. "Hey! What was that for," I say with a giggle
"Well I'm sure if I didn't get you up you would have never gotten out of bed," he says with laugh. "Ok I have to admit your bed is super comfy! But still, you could have just said for me to get up and I would have," I say as I open the bedroom door. I hear him laugh as I walk back into the guest room and go to the bathroom to change back into my clothes I was warring yesterday.
I put my rings back on and walk out of the room, I go to the kitchen and see Karl making something. I walk up quietly and look, he's making pancakes. I wrap my arms around him from the side and he giggles, he then mumbles something.
"What?!" I say acting like I could hear him, he giggles and his face turns red, "nothing~," he says and it makes me giggle. "Just kidding I have zero clue what you said," I say and start laughing uncontrollably. Karl starts to laugh "good, good. Anyways getting back on track now... I was wondering if maybe later today after I take you home if we could maybe do a stream together, you can have some of my clout," he jokes, I start to laugh again.
Once I calm down some I answer "yes, of course you nimrod," I say with a giggle. He doesn't respond, "hey where's your cups, I want water," I ask and step back. Not braking his contact on the pan her reaches over beside him and opens a cabinet. I giggle a little and grab a glass, then fill it with water.
I start to drink it and drink a lot more than I expected, I sit the cup down "damn, I was a lot more thirsty than I thought, that was a lot of water," I say as open my phone
Karl laugh "ya it happens, I mean you where up half the night like almost hyperventilating so it would make sense," his words shock me and I look at what I had looked up last night, I don't really remember anything.
I want to hesitate to ask but ask anyways, "I'm curious, what actually happened last night, I really don't remember anything" I ask Karl and lean against the counter
"Well, I left you to sleep and started editing for a video I'm posting soon, after like I'd say 30 minutes you walked in, i was kinda scared something bad had happened, you where visually scared and shaken up, almost to the point of tears actually. We hugged for a while and then we agreed you should stay with me in my room so I could comfort you. I finished editing and layed down. You fell asleep but shortly after julted awake, to be honest it scared the shit out of me. I had to calm you down again and you looked something up, then we talked about something you had said. And I quote 'welp, now I know why my sleep schedule is fucked' and we had talked about that till you fell asleep, I did as well shortly after,"
He talks quickly and to be honest I had never heard him cuss before, it kinda confused me a little. I laugh at what he had quoted from me as he hands me a plate of pancakes and takes one himself.
"Well that sounds eventful, all I remember is the few seconds after I woke up each time, and I remember vividly the dreams," I say and my body shudders just at the thought of the dreams. They are extremely scary and I can't even explain how meany times I have felt like I was actually going to die.
"Ya it was crazy, I do remember you saying 'I've never fallen back to sleep before,' you never talked much though," he says and takes a bite of his food. We chat while we eat but I get a notification from Twitch
Karl's pov
"Fuck, what the hell is," she says as she checks her notification. She looks at it and her jaw drops then she looks at me in shock "what what happened?!" I ask her
She smiles and puts her phone in front of me on the table, 'u/n just hit 10K,' shows on her screen, I giggle "wait you hit your sub goal!" I say with excitement, she nods "oh that amazing congratulations!" I say and go give her a small hug.
We continue to eat and chat for a while, eventually we both finish our food. We take our dishes to the sink, "what time should we stream?" She questions
"Umm, we can any time actually I don't have work today so I'm free to stream whenever," I respond looking at the time, it's almost noon.
"Uhhh if you want you can take me home now and we can stream here in like an hour," she suggests
"Ya sure!" I respond, without saying anything she runs over and puts on her shoes. "Are you coming?" She asks dramatically, "oh ya sorry," I say and giggle, I put my shoes on, grab my keys and we get into the car.
The drive isn't long, we get it hers and she quickly walks inside, waving as she closes the door. I drive back to my house and change into something more presentable and tweet that I'm going live soon, y/n does the same.
Y/n's POV
I tweet quickly and plop down at my pc, set up my stream and go live. I watch as my viewer count sky rockets within seconds of starting, I giggle slightly and unmute my mic, I quickly open my monster then
"HELLO CHAT THANK YOU SO MICH FOR 10K THANK YOU SO MUCH IT MEANS SO MUCH," I say then take a sip of my monster. I turn on my camera and smile to chat
"Ok guys, I have a huge surprise for this stream and it's kind of crazy, and I know most of you probably expect it but," I got a discord call from Karl, I quickly answer it
Y/n: hello mr Jacobs
K:hello mrs... wait, I don't know your last name
Y/n: mmmm I'm not telling!
K: ok then I will call you mrs Jacobs
I smile and feel my face get hot, I look over at chat
-Ship it
-I ship them lolz
-ew why him, he's gross
"GUYS IM NOT BLUSHING STOP!! DONT EXPOSE MEEEE!" I say in a whisper yell. Karl laughs "really, so your blushing now I see." He says jokingly in response. "My chat is shipping," I say with a small laugh
I can hear Karl's smile "good, they should be!" His words fill me with butterflies, we both laugh. "Ok ok changing the subject, let's play some Minecraft now," I say sitting forward in my chair.
"Ok fine," Karl says dramatically
"Don't act like you didn't suggest the calab, you literally asked me to stream with you!" I exclaim
"I did ask you to stream with me, never said I didn't," he says seriously but I can tell he's joking
We both laugh and start to play Minecraft. We play for a while before I get a dono asking about my favorite snack
I giggle "oh my favorite snack, its... ka- no nononon it's frozen grapes I was kidding," I say with a laugh, Karl gasps dramatically
"So your picking frozen grapes over me now, I see how it is," he says in response, making both of us giggle.
"Oh fuck, speaking of frozen grapes. I'm going to go grab them really quickly," I say and get ready to walk out of my room. Sense I have a wireless headset I leave my headset on as I walk out of the room, I can hear Karl speaking as I grab them and an extra monster.
"Ok guys not gonna lie... she kinda cute tho, she kinda cute. There I said it you can stop asking!" He exclaimed, his word make my face heat up and I can't help but smile. I walk back to my pc and sit down, Karl giggles
"Ok I'm back," I say and open the container of frozen grapes. I grab one and eat it quickly before starting to play again, I look around and see Karl traped me in obsidian and I don't have a diamond pick
"Ok ok, only because your reaction was adorable," he says while laughing
I make a joke "oh like you don't think everything I do is adorable, your literally the biggest simp ever," I say it dramatically. He starts laughing even harder making me giggle a little "I'm being serious Karl, your just a simp," I say with a serious tone and eat another grape.
His laugh calms to a soft giggle "I know I know, ok your out now chill," he says finally calming and I walk out of the obsidian he placed. We continue playing Minecraft for a while,
-Karl x y/n date stream?!
-mc date?!
- I feel like a 3rd weel
I laugh, "someone in chat said they feel like a 3rd weel," I say in between laughs. Karl laughs "I mean," he says kinda seriously, I can't tell if he's joking or not so I don't answer afraid of saying the wrong thing.
He giggles again, "I mean, let's be real, there not wrong, but, this was never a confirmed date so," he says in an extremely serious tone. "Unless~" I turn my Minecraft character to face him, he giggles, "I mean... we could make this a date, but only if you want to,"
I can hear his smile as he speaks, my heart flutters and my face goes hot for a moment "sure, it's a date," I say calmly. The silence between us is intense until he brakes it, "ok I built the portal, let's go through together,"
I giggle and run to him, "ok ok let's go," I say and we both step into the portal, we get a prefect spon, I turn and there's a fortress behind me. "WHAT TBE FUCK, it's literally right here!" I exclaim, and get really close to Karl's mc character.
I here him giggle before his character gets really close and he crouches, he makes a kiss noise and walks to the fortress, I follow him with a giggle
I giggle looking at chat, "that's totally getting clipped," I say as I giggle, "mhm," Karl laughs for a few seconds. "Ok ok, let's get blasé rods so we can get ready to go to the end," he says and walks up to a blase sponer.
We continue to play Minecraft until I release what time it is 1:12 am, I laugh nervously "umm, Karl it's 1 am... we should probably go to sleep," I say with a small giggle.
"Oh crap it is," he says quickly and leaves game, seconds later he defend discord and I end my stream. I sit and wait for Karl to undefen.
"Ok good night y/n, thanks for the date, it was really fun," he says, I can feel my face go hot
"Ya it was, it's no problem. Good night," I say, and uncontrollable smile clovers my face.
He hangs up the call, I turn off my pc and grab a tank top and shorts, I go to my bathroom and change, take off my rings and brush my teeth. I've always felt fancy having an electric toothbrush, I had it for me and my sister when she lived with me back at my old appointment, it has toothbrush heads that can be changed with 2 electric handle attachments.
I go back to my room and look at my phone, I see a text from Karl
Karl <3
K: you forgot my hoodie:,(
Y/n: oh fuck I did, it's alright I will come get it tomorrow;)
K:speaking of tomorrow I'm probably not going to be home actually, I have to go participate in a challenge:/
Y/n: UGH
K: it's ok, I will keep you updated and call you for support
Y/n: okay:( I'm going to sleep, wish me luck lol
K:good luck, sleep well
Y/n: can't make any promises, tbh I should probably go get a sleep test on it
K:ok! Go to sleep nimrod, love you <33
Y/n: love you too nimrod<3
My heart speeds up and my face goes hot, I giggle and lay down, staring at the ceiling, waiting to fall asleep. I drift off into a thankfully dreamless sleep.

The second I saw you (Karl x y/n) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now