Chapter 8

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  Y/n's POV
           I arrive home, I take off my shoes and plop down on my couch. Not even 5 minutes later I get a call from Karl
   Y/n: hey Karl what's up?
     K:I don't know, I neeeed you
   Y/n: what, are you drunk Karl?
                It was really clear that karl was drunk, slurred words and just sounded out of it
   K: what, no! I'm not drunk
     Y/n: well then why do you need me
    K:because I neeeed you, I neeeed you y/n
    Y/n: ok fine, are you at home?
    K:yes, I'm home
    Y/n: ok I will be there shortly
             I hang up and run to my room to change and take off my makeup, I get out some shorts and a hoodie then wash my face and take down my hair. After that I brush my teeth and get my medication, soon after I head out the door to go to Karl's house
          When I get to karls the door is unlocked so I just open it, when I go inside Karl isn't in the living room so I take my shoes off and go upstairs, I find him in his room at his pc, "hey Karl, whatcha doing?" I ask and walk over to him
          He smile "y/n!" He exclaimed in excitement, I noticed he's on a call with someone so I grab his second headset and put it on, he's in a call with Quackity
   Q: hey y/n, how are you
  Y/n: I'm good, so do you know how much he's had
    Q: no but I know it was quite a bit
  Y/n: well I can see that
   K:* grabs monster off desk to take drink *
    Q: no don't let him have that he put alcohol in it
   Y/n: nope Karl it's mine now *takes monster and takes sip of it* holy fuck Karl that's way to much for a spiked monster
    K: what, no it's not, give I want more
   Y/n: nope, no more for you, alright Quack, I'm going to get this man to bed, talk to you later
           I hang up the call, Karl looks up at me with slight anger, " give me back my monster!" He exclaims and grabs for it, I pull it back away from him
        "Karl, no more, you have had plenty for today, don't move!" I say and quickly walk out of his room. I go downstairs and throw away the monster, then take my medication and go back upstairs.
            Karl's still sitting at his desk, I walk over to him "alright karl, it's bed time," I say and pull him up out of his chair, he lifts my chin and kisses me, I can taste the alcohol on his breath
            I don't resist but I don't let it last really long, I pull away from the kiss, I help Karl to his bed and lay him down. He lays down and pulls the covers over him "I want cuddles!" I says and pulls me down onto the bed
          I giggle as he wraps his legs around my waist, you could tell we have both had some to drink, the sip I took was enough to get me tipsy so I was giggly, I take his rings off and lay them on the bedside table, then do the same with mine. Instantly Karl falls asleep so I just relax in his arms, I can't really do much sense he's wrapped around me like a sloth to a tree.
          Eventually I drift away into a deep sleep with no dream, it's oddly nice to not deal with the night terror anymore
                            The next morning
Karl's pov
         I wake up with a horrible hang over and not much memory from last night. I'm completely wrapped around y/n, "god, what the hell did I drink?" I ask her, she giggles
          "I have no clue what it was but it was a lot, you made a spiked monster and it was way to strong, one sip and I was tipsy strong." She replies
         "Ugh I feel horrible," I say after a few seconds and unwrap my legs from around her. I hold her tightly agents me, nussle my head into her hair, then gently kiss her neck. She giggles
          " your so cute when your drunk," she says and I can tell she was smiling, "we had an entire argument over the monster and eventually I threw it away, I was going to finish it but you kept trying to take it,"
        We both laugh a little, "was I an ass? Or was I just asking for it back?" I ask in return
         Y/n giggles, "you kept trying to grab it from me, it was cute though."
           "hhhhh I'm normally kind of rude when I'm drunk but also clingy as well," I say and sit up, the room spins rapidly so I close my eyes for a minute and lay back down.
           Y/n sits up and kisses my cheek, "I will be right back, don't try to get up," she says and scoots off the edge of the bed. She disappears for a while then comes back with ibuprofen and water.
           "Forgot about it last night but it will still help," she says and hands them to me, I take it and sit the water down on my night stand. Y/n lays back down and scrolls through TikTok, a Karl edit shows up and she likes it even before it can start.
          It's early enough to where the sun is just rising. Eventually my i get a call and pick it up not caring who
    Jimmy: hey we need help with a video today
    Karl: hhh I'm kinda a little hung over right now, can I have someone stand in for me?
    Jimmy: sure, whatever works. We just need someone willing to participate in a challenge
    Karl: ok, let me ask *mutes and asks y/n*... yep you've got someone. Be there in probably 30 minutes to an hour
              I hang up the call, me and y/n get up and she leaves to go get ready, she said she would drive us both there sense I'm a little to out of it to drive. After she leaves I take a quick shower and change into some clean clothes, the shower helped some with the hang over. I brush my teeth and put my rings back on
          About 20 minutes later y/n shows up back at my house so I go out and get into her car. I show her the direction to the warehouse and we finally arrive.
         We go inside and instantly everyone is saying hi and introducing themselves to y/n, the hole time they are introducing themselves y/n just stands and smiles, looking up at me every once and a while.
         Finally after everyone is finished she introduces herself "hello, I'm y/n, I'm 22, and I don't know what I'm doing here but it just sounds fun," she says with a small giggle.
         Jimmy starts to set things up and I can tell y/n is nervous, I hug her from behind making her giggle, Chris watching from a far smiles at me and starts to walk over to us. When he reaches us I can see the huge smile across his face
         "So, what's going on here?" He asks hoping for good news
               I just smile and y/n starts talking, "he does this when he sees me nervous, it's normal, we also just really like hugs so it's a plus,"
           "Oh, are you two... like friends or?" Chris asks clearly asking if she's my girlfriend. Me and y/n just look at each other of a few seconds with confused eyes. We never really discussed it and have no idea what to say
             Y/n smiles at me, then looks back to Chris "honestly, we haven't really talked about that yet, but we definitely have somethingggg, but we aren't sure," her words are the perfect explanation
            Chris smiles at us with excitement, "umm, I think you should just consider the Obvious, I mean, clearly you two are close. I'm not forcing it but I'd say you two are 'together' but," he says trying to tell us something we already knew
            There's a few seconds of silence, "umm, is it the obvious?" Y/n asks jokingly then looks up at me, I can't help but laugh at the face she made at me. I lean my head down onto her shoulder and giggle Continuously, she sighs "this is why you should never let karl make a spiked monster when he's clearly already drunk," (GUYS ITS NOT A GOOD IDEA TO MIX ALCOHOL AND ENGERY DRINKS!! Don't do it it's dangerous look it up)she says to Chris
          I lift my head and look at her trying to look offended "hey! I was already drunk when I made it, you can't blame me for that!" I say and shake my head
        " Karl I took one sip of it and was tipsy, way to much, and to think you would have finished it. Thank god for Quackity!" She exclaims
         Chris looks at us with wide eyes, "wait that's why she's here? Karl your an idiot," he says and shakes his head with shame. We continue to argue over it until it's time to do the intro
   Y/n's POV
           I sigh as Karl drags me over to where the cameras are, Jimmy starts the intro "in today's video we will see who can last the longest in this pit of money, whoever is the last standing gets all of the money, theses are our contestants, Chris, chandler, y/n who is standing in for Karl, and finally we have me actually,"
            Jimmy explains everything and then we start the challenge. All 4 of us sit inside the hot tub full of money, it was surprisingly hot inside the money. After a few hours everyone start to get hungry, although I'm not super hungry.
            We all get some food and eat, Karl comes up and steals some of my food then walks away because he knows I can't do anything about it if he's not close enough for me to hit him.
          Karl comes back over to me to grab some of my food "KARL I SWARE GET AWAY FROM MY FOOD! You don't want to do that, I will roundhouse kick your ass when this challenge is over," I say and point at him, he reached out to grab a fry, I smack the back of his hand and he quickly pulls his hand back
            He makes a fake offended face, "y/n!" He exclaims, I giggle
                "I told you not to! It's your fault," I say and continue to eat my food. The next time he comes to steal it I had finished my food.
           A few hours pass and chandler gets out, then Jimmy gives up as well. Just me and Chris where left, Karl couldn't decide who's side he was on.
          Eventually I start to get tired, "KARL... KARL," I yell and wait for Karl to walk over to me, I hear the door behind me open and closes then hands on my shoulders
            I look up at Karl towering over me with a smile, "can you please go get my meds out of the center consul of my car," I plead. Karl smiles and kisses my forehead
           "Yes, I will be right back," he says then turns to the door to leave, I lower my head and look at Chris, who's smiling. "What?" I ask, he giggles before he starts talking
           "Y,just, you and Karl man, it makes me happy. That was adorable. Seriously, you two are so cute together!" He says while smiling and putting his hands on both sides of his face. I giggle for a while
        The door behind me opens and closes again and Karl hands me my meds and a water bottle, I smile at Karl and quickly take my meds. Karl sits with us till I eventually drift into a deep sleep.

The second I saw you (Karl x y/n) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now