Chapter 9

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    Y/n's POV
            I wake the next morning, Chris had gotten out in the middle of the night and no one woke me up! I look around and see Karl and Chris asleep on the floor. Soon after Jimmy walks in with a camera, "looks like we have a winner! Y/n wins the challenge," he exclaims waking Karl and Chris
         Karl lays on his back on the floor while we do the outro. After that I lay down on the floor next to Karl and just stare at the ceiling, he interlocks our fingers and I can see him looking at me. I ignore it and continue staring up at the ceiling
          After a few minutes I roll onto my side and face Karl, he smiles and does the same. I sigh, "let's go, I want to lay in an actual bed," I say as I get up off the floor, I help Karl up and we both get ready to leave. As I go to walk out I'm stopped by Jimmy
          "Hey here's you money," he says and hands me a bag full of money, I smile gratefully and nod, he does the same. Me and Karl go out to my car and we drive to his house
           We go inside, take off our shoes and go upstairs to Karl's room. I grab one of his hoodies and put it in before laying down in his bed next to him, I put my head on his shoulder and my hand over his chest. I get out my phone and scroll through TikTok, there's clips from my interview from the other day
          One comes up of me talking about Karl, I hear Karl giggle. I look up just enough to see the side of his neck, I kiss the side of his neck,then lay my head back down agents his shoulder.
         After a while of watching TikTok I turn on music and put my phone down behind me on Karls bed, I cuddle up agents him and he wraps his arms around me and we lay like that for a while as well, no telling how long but it was a while
           "Hey you wanna stream?" Karl asks, finally braking the silence between us, I giggle "sure, but I'm comfy so not at this second," I respond and hug him tightly
         He laughs and kisses the top of my head, sending butterflies to my stomach. We lay there for what feels like hours before I finally Decide to get up to stream with Karl
         While he sets up his stream I go and get a few monsters for us. By the time I get back to his room it's time to start the stream so I sit down in the chair next to Karls.
           After a while of letting the starting soon screen he fully starts stream, "CHAT! It's time to play games, and we have y/n joining us." He says with a smile and puts his arm around me, I smile and lean my head onto his shoulder.
           "So, I don't even know what we have planned this was a little last minute but we will figure it out. Anyway," he says and looks down at me, "chat I'm stuck, I can't move now. I umm, don't think she's moving any time soon," he says and leans his head on top of mine for a few seconds. I giggle knowing he's to loyal to move so he's stuck where he is till I move
        -Karl a simp
        -omg I'm clipping that
    I giggle as I read chat, Karl doesn't look at chat for a while so didn't notice it. After a while I get worried I will fall asleep so I lift my head, Karl scoots his chair forwards a little and continues talking to chat
                  Karlxy/nshiper gifted 100 subs
            Hey Karl hold y/n's hand I really want to
                             See you two touch
       "Wow karlxy/nshiper thanks for the 100 boom! Also that was a really weird question," Karl says and laughs, then grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers. He pulls our hands up so they are in frame and we both just giggle
          I look at our hands and laugh, "ha, our rings are touching," I say and Karl looks at them
           "Hmm it appears to be so, yep, they are," he says and nods with a smile.
             -?? What rings
             -wha are they engaged?!
             - matching rings POG?
        I point at chat with my free hand, "should I tell the story?" I ask Karl as he looks at chat, Karl nods. "Ok, so. We aren't engaged but, the other day it was actually the day of my interview, Karl gave me a ring, and it's a crown, and he has a matching one. And it's like a good luck charm. Oh we also have necklaces, and they match but they are different colors," I pull my necklace out from under Karls hoodie I have on
         Karl giggles and reveals his necklace as well, then we show our rings. The stream ends up as basically just us answers questions and telling funny stories.
        "Karl I want to tell one last story before we end! Can I tell them about the monster? Please!" I ask and plead Karl, he gives in and let's me tell the story
         "Chat I have tea, so after my interview I got home and got a call from Karl, and he kept asking me to come over and not even kidding was saying "I need you," and of course I came over because I didn't know what he wanted or if he was ok. And turns out Karl had gotten drunk, and it was pretty bad, but anyways. I show up to Karls and he's chilling on a call with Quackity. And thank god Quackity said something but Karl had put something into a monster, not sure what it even was but it was really, really strong. Karl grabs this monster off his desk but I take it from him, he was vary drunk and I hadn't even known how much he had or how much was put into the monster, so of course I took a sip of it, because I'm of age and am aloud to. It was so strong, like I only took one sip and was, I was tipsy after that. And if Quackity haven't said anything I'm sure Karl would have been so drunk. But anyway, my favorite part of the story, I removed the monster from existence and went upstairs, put Karl in his bed, then all the sudden he goes "I want cuddles," then pulls me down onto the bed, and like a damn sloth wraps his arms and legs around me and then just like that is asleep,"
          The room fills with silence for a little while, Karl takes a drink of his monster then checks the time on his pc, "ok chat, it's getting late, I'm going to end stream, because we need to go to bed, we have stuff to do tomorrow,"
          I cut Karl off, "ooo Karl, what we doing tomorrow?,"
           Karl turns his head to look at me, "you'll see. Anyways, good bye chat, where going to go to sleep, smiles in chat when you see this," Karl ends stream shortly after
         Karl stretches, "ok, I'm going to take a shower, you can chill or whatever but it shouldn't take long," he says as he stands from his seat
         I smile "can I get on the SMP and scare the shit out of people?" I ask, Karl giggles "yes, go for it," then walks off to his clothes to get clothes
        I turn to his computer and scoot my chair forward so it's closer to the desk. I log onto the SMP and look around, I have no clue where anything is so I just look to see who's online. Ranboo, Tubbo, Sapnap, Philza and gorge are on the SMP.
      I start walking around and run into tubbo, he starts typing on chat
   >tubbo- hello Karl! Didn't you say you where going to sleep?
    >karljacobs- vc1?
   >tubbo- ya sure
            I open his discord and join vc1 in the SMP chat, tubbo joins shortly after
  T: hi Karl
  Y/n: it's actually y/n, shhh don't tell anyone. Karl's in the shower and he said I could run around on the SMP for a while, I was going to try to scare someone but kinda failed already.
T: y/n! I haven't talked to you before but I really like watching you and Karl stream together.
Y/n: oh thanks, it's pretty fun streaming with him, we spend all day together almost anyway so streaming is like a 16th of the stupid things that happen when we are hanging out together. Wait are you live tubbo?
T: no, I ended like an hour ago. Anyways, I have wanted to ask if you and Karl are dating, I know you probably won't come out to the public for a while and I promise I won't tell!
Y/n: well that's the thing, we don't really know, we haven't put a label on it yet
T:oh ok, can I have your discord though? It would be really nice to stream with you some time
Y/n: oh ya sure, I will dm it to you from Karl's discord, one sec... ok I sent it
T: thank you I just send the request
Y/n: ok, well I'm going to go now, I'm actually kinda tired, I will chat later tubbo, have a nice day man
T: ok good night y/n, chat later
           I hang up the call and go to Karl's desk, push in the chairs, put the headsets away and turn off his pc, I grab the empty monster cans off Karl desk and throw them away, then take my meds. I go upstairs and hear the water turn off so I climb into Karl's bed and watch TikToks till he's done
          Soon after Karl walks into his room and plops down next to me, I ignore him and continue watching TikToks. Karl wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him, I giggle and turn off my phone.
            The room fills with silence for a moment, "hey Karl... What exactly are we?" The words fall out of my mouth unexpectedly
            "Hmmm, I don't know," he responds slowly
        I think for a moment, "umm, how about this, we are whatever you say we are," I respond. I just like spending time with Karl so much that even if I'm not his girlfriend at least I'm with him.
       Karl doesn't hesitate to answer, "ok, then you are my girlfriend, because I love you, a lot, and couldn't live without you," I can hear the smile on his face as he hugs me tightly to his chest
         I giggle, "and your my boyfriend, because I love you a lot, and living without you sounds like hell," I say honestly. Karl giggles cutely and put his head agents my back for a while
         Eventually we end up cuddles up, my head on his shoulder and my leg over his, His arm around me. Slowly my eyes go heavy and I let my self fall asleep, the only thought in my head being 'Karl Jacobs is my boyfriend,'
   Karl's pov
        Y/n ends up falling asleep, I kiss the top of her head and grab my phone, I scroll through Twitter for a while and find some fan art of me and y/n holding hands from the stream, 'nice work! Looks amazing,' I send a comment and like the picture before putting my phone down and getting comfy to fall asleep
I had trouble falling asleep for some reason, I guess overthinking something in the back of my mind, it happens often. Y/n rolls over onto her side, still asleep, I follow close behind and wrap my arms around her waist holding her close to me. Finally I drift off to sleep, dreamless per usual
Lol what the fuck it that wc? Idk lol

The second I saw you (Karl x y/n) DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now