Chapter 5

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Karl's pov
I'm awakened by a scream, confused I relies I fell asleep in y/n's bed, she probably had another night terror. I look at her, she's propped up on one elbow, her breathing heavy and shaking a lot. She looks around, her eyes dull and full of tears
I gently touch her arm, "hey, it's ok," I say, her head turns to me quickly, she nods.
"I need a drink, I'll be right back," she says and gets up, walking out of the room, the door open still. Colby walks in and sits in the doorway, looking at me, he meows. I stand up slowly, then pet him as I wait, I look and see y/n leaning her back against the counter drinking water
I walk out to the kitchen, "hey you alright?" I ask and rub her back, she leans her head agents my chest , I can feel her shaking. She sits her water down and sits up on the counter
" I can't do this anymore," she says and shakes her head, a tear falls down her face, "I'm going to get sleep tested, so I can find out what's happening, I can't keep up with it anymore. It use to be one a week maybe, now it's multiple a night. I can't keep doing this to my sleep, I haven't slept a full night in 3 years," she says softly, another tear falls dow her face
I cup her face in my hands, then gently wipe her tears with my thumbs. Her face gets red, "it's alright, I know there really scary, and it hurts you, but you will get through this. Let's wait till morning to work this out, but your not in this alone, I'm here with you, we will fight this together," I say softly
She smiles, her voice shaking "your so sweet, how was I ment to fight this without you? Karl, you make everything better," our eyes meet, I can see the sparkle coming back to her eyes. She takes a drink
" your the best friend I never had growing up karl, the one who you hang out with after school, do stupid shit together, can tell each other everything. And everyone thinks your dating because you flirt all the time," she says with a small giggle
I giggle "ya, I guess so, I can't believe we have only known each other for like 4 days, I feel like we have been friends sense grade school," I say with a smile
We stay there in silence for a while. She takes a drink, sits her cup down, then wraps her arms lossly around my neck and rests her head on my shoulder, I wrap my arms at her and step closer to the counter between her legs. After a while she stops shaking and calms down a lot, she pulls away from the hug and takes a drink
          We make eye contact, my heart races as she puts her hand on the back of my head. With no time to react her soft lips press agents mine, my stomach swarms with the most butterflies I have ever felt. I put my hand on the side of her neck, after a little while she pulls away.
         "Even though I'm going to forget that by morning it was worth it," she says with a smile, I giggle. She pulls me back in and our lips touch again, it's suddenly like an addiction as I feel realef wash over me. I think to myself 'She's a simp too,'
        She pulls away and touches our foreheads together, then hugs me again like nothing ever happened. Some time goes by "alright let's go back to bed," I suggest, she tightens her grip around me.
        I carefully pick her up and walk back to her room. I walk to her bed and we both lossen our grips, I let her lightly fall onto the bed, she crawls under the blanket as I shut her door. I get under the covers and lay on my back
         Y/n moves my arm away from my body and gets in between my arm and my body, laying her head on my chest. I kiss the top of her head and wrap my arm around her, she gets comfy and eventually we both fall asleep.
The next morning
    Y/n's POV
            My eyes open slowly, I feel a hand on my side and my head is on Karl's chest, my hand by my mouth. I put my leg over his and lean into him more, he's watching TikToks. He giggles "good morning,"he says softly, his voice still groggy.
I have memory from stuff that had happened last night, "did I have a night terror?" I ask and sit up some, Karl nods.
"It was pretty rough, what all do you remember?" He asks nervously, I know it's not much but I can give some details
"Well I remember the dream, then when I woke up I felt you touch my arm. Drinking some water... and, the words 'even though I won't remember that by morning it was worth it' and I don't remember anything else, I don't think," I say trying to remember as much as possible
Karl seems happy, "that's ok, better than what I remember, still can't get the scream out of my head," he says and squeezes his eyes shut, rubbing them. I frown
"Oh I'm sorry did I scream? I hope it wasn't when you grabbed my arm,"
"Oh no, I woke up to you screaming, scared the shit out of me," he says with a small giggle as he sits up and leans agents the head board. We sit in silence for a minute, "you know, you where talking about getting sleep tested or something. I told you not to worry about it till today, because I knew you wouldn't remember it. Just wanted to let you know," he says staring off in space
I grab my phone and start looking for a place to call to schedule a sleep test
Karl's POV
I sit and listen to y/n on the phone
"Hello, I'm calling to schedule a sleep test, and make it soon please... umm, well I have been having horrible night terrors, and I've been getting more and more. Yes, yes, yes I have. Ok thank you so much, yep bye bye," she pulls the phone away from her ear and hangs up the call
"So, it's not scheduled for today, so I need to pack an overnight bag to go there, they might need someone else to be there so I was wondering if you wanted to come? You don't have to," she says with a small smile.
"Of course I want to come, I can give more details than you can, you barely have memory of what happens and I do so it would only make sense," I respond.
Y/n kisses my cheek, making my face get hot. She giggle "thanks Karl, your the best," she says before getting out of bed. I grab my phone and check the time, 8:29, I panic "oh honk, I gotta go! I have to go to work," I say and quickly get up. Y/n smiles and hugs me, then I go downstairs, put on my shoes and rush out to my car
I arrive at work still half asleep, good thing I stashed some monsters in my car, i grab a monster and go inside. Chris instantly starts asking questions
"Karl, did you go in that date yet? Was it fun?" He says
"Wow slow down, we haven't really go on the date yet, but what's happening now is more important that a date so," I say, the words slip out of my mouth.
Chris looks at me confused as we walk to find everyone, "what do you mean, something more important? Is she ok?" He asks
"That's the thing, we don't know what's wrong or how to fix it," I say and shake my head. We find the guys and sit on the couch
"So what's going on?" He asks as we both sit down
"Well, she gets these things called night terrors, there worse than just the normal nightmare. They have been getting closer together now to the point she has like 2 a night. It's so bad that she's scared to even go to sleep. Thank god she's getting sleep tested tonight though, we can finally figure this out. I have been staying the night with her ever sense after a night terror she cut herself, she never remembers anything from after she wakes up." I kinda just let it all out, I know I can trust Chris with things
"That's not good, good thing she's getting it looked at, so do you have to leave early or?" He asks. I nod. The rest of the time there we record a mrBeast gaming video and I head home to pack a few things.
After I pack I drive to y/n's house, I knock, there's about a minute before she answers. "Hey I'm live, you want to come and say hi?" She asks as I walk in. I nod and we go back to her stream
"Ok chat I'm back, as I said in taking the next prolly two days off, I might post in Twitter to keep you all updated and stuff. But anyway, Karl wants to say hi," I step into frame and wave.
"So I told them that I'm taking a brake for a few days for the thing," she says to me with a smile. We sit and chat for a while then she ends because she has to get ready to leave. She takes a shower and dresses comfy, we get into my car and drive to the doctors office with our stuff in the back
Time skip-before the sleep test
  Y/n's POV
          The doctor walk in to chat with me and karl before setting up the stuff. He comes and sits beside me, "so, I hear you have been having night terrors? Can you tell me some more," he says and we make eye contact
        I nod before starting to speak, "so about 3 years ago, I had my first night terror, it was horrible and I didn't sleep for 3 days after that. Then about 2 months later I had another one, then that continues every 2 months. Then they started getting closer together, I had trouble remembering things after they started to get so close as 3 weeks apart. Then it was once a week, twice a week, till now it's 2 or 3 a night. I have bad memory of what happens after I wake up from them. And one of my biggest problems is I started doing self harming things in the span from when I wake from one till I wake the next morning," I show him my almost healed cuts on my wrist
        His face drops slightly, "hmmm I've never seen a case this bad, that's odd. Anyway, do you have anything that helps with that, like a blanket or animal?" He asks, I glance at Karl
          "Actually, Karl has been helping, a lot. He has been keeping me safe after I wake up from one," I say, I feel Karl's eyes on me.
         The doctor looks at Karl, "oh that's nice of you, so can you give me any details that she can't give? Like behavior, body language?" He asks Karl
        Karl nods, "umm, I have noticed that she's always shaking when she wakes up and it doesn't stop till she's clamped down. And she normally has this like sparkle in her eyes, but when she wakes from a night terror the sparkle is replaced with fear. When she speaks her voice is shaking as well, and she just seems completely out of it," he says slowly
         The doctor nods, "so definitely scary for both of you," he says with a nod, "ok well, I'm going to start getting you set up, this is going to be a lot but it's worth the answers you will get with this problem that you have been having, there will be some wires and stuff detecting heart rate and brain activity, one showing oxygen, blood pressure. So if you need to go to the bathroom or get a drink you should do it now before I set you up," I nod
             I use the restroom one last time then the doctor sets up all of my equipment. Karl grabs my hand an squeezes it, " see you in the morning, because I know you won't remember," he says with a smile. I nod and we both get comfy, soon after drifting off to sleep
   Sorry for the weird chapter!! It's just leading to an important part of the story. Anyways, enjoy the rest of the story!

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