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Thank you for 8K readers, I seriously can't thank you enough. Please vote it helps. Enjoy this oneshot. This is after Avalance's wedding and honeymoon. The finale was crazy! They finally got married and everyone is happy. Mick and Kayla are raising their kids happily. BUT THE WAVERIDER EXPLODED!

Ava's POV

"Hey babe." Sara says as I enter our room to see her playing on her Xbox. Every Tuesday and Friday the legends get the day off and every Friday all the legends but me, and Astra play. Sometimes they play Minecraft or sometimes they play a fighting game like gangbeasts, or fortnite.

"Hey." I say back and walk past her chair to sit on the bed. I lay down on the bed and go on my phone, I feel Sara staring at me. "Why are you staring, Sara?" I ask her and look up at her, she mutes her mic before talking.

"I can't just admire my wife?" Sara asks happily. I smile at her and she smiles back before turning to play Minecraft again. "Babe, come play with us." Sara says and took a glance at me.

"I don't want to, but I do want cuddles." I say with a pout, Sara chuckles and waves me over.

I get up and walk over to her, she keeps her mic muted while she moved the controller. I straddled her lap and wrapped my legs around her waist and my arms around her neck, she puts the controller behind my back so she has her arms wrapped around me and can play at the same time. "Comfy?" My wife asks me.

"Yes, thank you." I say and nuzzle my face into her neck. She unmutes her mic, "I love you." I whisper into her neck.

"I love you too." Sara whispers in my ear.

Sara's POV

"I love you too." I whisper into her ear.

"Soft Captain!" Nate says in the headset.

"Nate shut up." I say into the headset. Ava turns around in my lap and I keep my arms around her, resting my head on her shoulder.

"How's married life?" Ray asks, he is also playing. Along with, Me, Nate, Spooner, Zari 1.0, Ray, and this week Cisco and Barry joined us.

"Married life is amazing." I say and I see Ava smile.

"Where is your wife?" Barry asks.

"My wife, is currently sitting on my lap watching me play and kill you all. It's Minecraft, why don't you guys try and build a base instead of trying to kill me?" I tell them. I kiss Ava's cheek, Ava puts her hands on mine. "You wanna play babe?" I ask her.

"Yeah Ava! Play!" Ray says.

"Come on Ava!" Nate says.

"Come play with your wife and friends!" Cisco says.

"Come on Ava!" Barry says.

"They all want you to play babe." I tell her. She nods, I smile happily and give her another controller with a headset. She signs in, because I made her an account. I knew this would happen. On screen it says, Captain Sharpe has joined the game.

They all start cheering, the screen turns into a spilt screen with Ava on the bottom. We all start playing and I teach Ava and build us a house. I get Ava a horse and she smiles at me and kisses me.

We all play for another couple hours until bed time, "Bed time legends! We have to work tomorrow!" I tell them, everyone including Ava groans. We shut off the Xboxes and go to bed. Ava cuddles up to me.

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