Chapter 1

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You can still rise with us. Remember, when you're lost in the darkness... look to the light! Believe in the Fireflies!....

Summer -- Twenty Years Later

Joel's eyes shot open and he jolted upwards on the couch. He hunched forward trying to catch his breath gripping his knees tightly. Every damn night it was the same damn dream. You would think after twenty years it would have let up by now. They always say that losing a child is the hardest thing and Joel can attest to that. Sarah would be thirty-two now. Thirty-two. A loud knock reverberated throughout Joel's beat up apartment given by the FEDRA. It was a place to sleep. That was about it. Joel turned his head toward the door and felt a twinge up pain through his head.

He looked at the bottle of whiskey on the counter in his small kitchen. He got to his feet and made his way for it. Maybe one swig before answering the door. Another more urgent pounding on the door came. He groaned in frustration and changed direction right for the door,"Im comin'!" He shouted. 

Joel tripped over a box and practically fell into the door as he opened it up. He barely had time to collect himself and see who was there as Tess barged in. Joel stared in disbelief at her. He had been waiting for her to return back. She ran off on her own, something they said they would never do, and she had the audacity to come in like nothing happened.

"How was your morning?" She asked sharply as she picked the bottle of whiskey up and a glass, pouring herself one, "Want one?"

No, I don't want one," He faded off at the end. He did, but his nagging headache said otherwise.

Tess turned and leaned her back against the table. She crossed an arm over her chest, resting her elbow on her arm and took a dip of her drink, "Well I have interesting news for you." She said excitedly.

Joel furrowed his brows, "Where were you, Tess?" He asked, irritated.

Tess gave Joel a look that would make the biggest men fearful of her. A glare he's experienced many times in their relationship, "West-End district. Hey, we had a drop to make--"

Joel swiped a towel off the counter. He wasn't sure how sanitary it was, but it'd work. He walked closer to her and handed her the towel, "We. We had a drop to make." He said through gritted teeth.

Tess stared him down. She swore he forgot some of the crap he said sometimes to her,"You told me to leave you alone, remember?" She pushed the towel to her bruised cheek.

"So I'll take a guess; The, uh, whole deal went south and the client made off with our pills, is that about right?" Joel asked, anger to his voice. Sure, he was worried it went wrong but more worried about her busted cheek.

Tess chuckled at him, "Deal went off without a hitch, "She produced a small stack of cards out from her back pocket, "Enough ration cards to last us a couple months. Easy."

Joel still found no humor like she did in this. She was so oblivious to how careless she was at the dangerous situations she stupidly got herself into. Joel pointed from his own cheek then to hers and finally brought up the elephant in the room, "You uh, wanna explain this?"

Tess sighed in annoyance, knowing where Joel was going with this and felt about her going alone outside of the quarantine zone. It was dangerous and she was well aware of that. Tess was a big girl who had done big girl things, like he had. She could handle herself. Tess threw her hand up as she spoke to express what she said more ,"I was on my way here and got jumped by these two assholes, alright?"

Tess winced as she pressed the rag back to her cheek again to try and staunch the bleeding from the small wound on her cheek. The bruise made it look worse than it was, "And, yeah. They got a few good hits in but--"

Joel sighed heavily and the tension in his jaw tightened. Tess rolled her eyes at him, "Look, Joel. I managed."

Tess's eyes searched Joel's face and she noted the anger. She knew not to push him now and to let his anger fade a little bit before going further. So, she stood there and stayed quiet. He had a consistent anger boiling inside him he could never quite satisfy ever since Sarah died. Right now, it was twisting and growing even more inside him at the sight of her face and the story she told. His trigger finger was itching. Joel exhaled slowly trying to calm himself down,"Gimmie that..."

Joel took the rag from her hand and gently dabbed at her cheek. As he focused on her, helping her heal, the heightened anger began to diminish in him. Joel moved in close to take a better look at the cut to decide if it needed stitches or not. He used his other hand to tilt her head side to side. He shook his head telling himself no to stitches before turning her face to look at him again and his eyes fell on hers, "And, are these asshole still with us?"

A wicked smile cracked onto Tess's lips, "That's funny..."

Joel's shoulders fell in relief and also disappointment. He had hoped in a way that she hadn't and he could've been the one to take some anger out on them. They also needed to question them and he wasn't quite sure Tess did actually do that. Did she ask why they were attacking her? Who they worked for? What did they want?

"Did you at least find out who they were?" He asked. 

Tess looked down a second and swallowed hard, putting Joel into a bit of a panic, "Yeah, look. They were a couple of nobodies," She reached up and closed her hand around Joel's and pulled it away from her cheek, "That doesn't matter. What that Robert. Fucking. Sent them."

Joel knitted his brows together and straightened up, confused, setting his jaw. Then, he asked, "Our Robert?"

Tess nodded seriously, a hint of excitement in her eyes, "He knows that we're after him."

Joel walked over toward the couch he had been sleeping on and picked army green bag up from the ground. He shuffled through it quickly to check and make sure he had everything he needed. Tess followed Joel and winced she he slammed his fist and the rag on the counter.

"He figures he's gonna get us first?" Tess asked, hesitation in her voice.

"That son of a bitch is smart," He said through clenched teeth.

Joel walked out the door and Tess followed him down the hall of the apartment building. Tess scoffed, "He's not smart enough...I know where he's hiding." She said, excitement to her voice. Joel tilted his head. Maybe she really did ask questions. Impressive, "Like hell you do..." A burst of cockiness flooded through Tess," Old warehouse in Area 5. Can't say how long though."

Tess stepped ahead to unlock the front door, but stopped to look at Joel when she spoke up, "Oh, I'm ready now. Yeah?" He asked her, raising a brow.

"Oh, I can do now," She smirked as Joel approached her. Something about revenge and violence sent Joel spinning. He always managed to keep a level head, though. Think strategically, but kill ruthlessly. Cold. Emotionless. It did concern Tess at times, but then there was always that moment that peaked through and he was quite gentle, sweet, caring and kind. Not many people even have that side left anymore. Robert, especially. All he cared about was his money. He's an arms dealer that sold to whoever paid the highest. Problem was, he took payment first before delivering the guns. There normally isn't a problem with it, but right now he had a big problem. Robert owed Joel guns. A lot of guns. Tess. He knew who Tess was. They, usually ,went everywhere together. His guys attacking her? Intentional and wanted to make a point he had no care to give what he owed. If only he hadn't failed, right?

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