Chapter 4

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"Ah, some fresh air," Tess sniffed around them, "That's one thing I love about outside."

Joel couldn't help the sarcastic grin he got over his face followed by a chuckle. He asked, "Why don't you ask Bill to get you some of those air fresheners?"

She huffed," Hey if they weren't expired that would be a good idea."

Tess and Joel carried on, slowly stepping down into the nature-made pond that over took an old street. Joel could never get over the fact of how much nature has taken back over. It was a bit daunting. It was so strange yet amazing to see how much the world reverted back to land when humans weren't taking over things and destroying it. He wondered if this was Earth's way of giving a big 'ol fuck you to humans. Not just the over growth, but the virus. He just wished that it had spared those who were young and innocent. Who were Sarah.

Joel turned his slow steps into a jog, passing a nearly rotted away skeletal remains of an old city bus. Ivy and other mossy-like growths grew up along it, reaching for the sun above them. He crossed the water covered street and came up to a wall covered in the same over growth as the bus. The only difference was the amount. The walls of nearly every building he's set his eyes on are completely covered in it, reaching high up to where no man could possibly reach. You could hardly even see there were bricks underneath it. Made for a perfect spot to hide a secret passage way, though. Joel brushed aside some of the greenery, careful not to disturb it too much. He didn't want to destroy the covering they had over it. He grabbed the corner of the board and carefully pried it loose. He stepped aside and nodded for Tess to walk in, "After you."

Tess glanced around them then ducked her head down into the opening with Joel right behind her, "Cover the entrance."

"I got it," Joel grumbled with an eye roll.

He tugged the wooden board shut and turned to follow Tess who had already made her way in the direction they had to go. He noticed, though, more of the building had collapsed in, more nature took over too, and wondered if it was even safe to climb up the ways they usually do. Joel suddenly realized how long it had been since he did venture out this far. He usually tried to stay closer to home. Less travel distance. Or, as Tess says, it's just that Joel was getting old. Not that he would ever admit that. Tess and Joel carefully walked up a ramp, testing it's sturdiness as it seemed to be accidently placed there by a collapsed roof. It seemed sturdy enough, Joel hoped. After Tess, Joel jumped up and grabbed onto the ledge of a platform and hoisted himself up. Tess had already walked across it and was looking down at the ground that was a few storeys below them. She swore under her breath and Joel realized why quickly.

"Damn it. Plank fell," Tess announced the obvious.

Joel started glancing around to try and find an alternative route across. There really was nothing other than straight across. Joel could make it, Tess couldn't. Nothing against her, but the shorter the legs the less likely she would make it across. He was known for doing the more dangerous jumps and dives and she was known for squeezing into tiny places. Joel looked over to the opposite side again and bit on his bottom lip in though. Maybe that was even too far a jump for him. He started looking around them when he noticed a small drop to the left of them. He jogged over to it and once checking it was stable enough, he hopped down onto it. He turned and lowered himself against the side of the wall and carefully dropped down to the ground where the board was laying. Joel walked over to where it was and brushed away any of the weeds that had grown around it and then he hoisted it up and leaned it against his shoulder. He slowly and carefully walked it over toward where Tess was and with her help, lifted the wooden plank up.

"It's a bit heavy," He called up to her.

"I got it, Joel," She said sternly.

"Alright..." He mumbled quietly.

Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Jun 05, 2022 ⏰

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