Chapter 2

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Joel and Tess stepped out into the miserably humid day. The buildings surrounding the area stifled the air and the sun beat down on them. Joel squinted his eyes as he peered around. It amazed him that the security walking back and forth on the roof tops were able to with stand it. Joel could stand it when he was out during a smuggling job as he had places to hide in the process. They don't. Yes, Joel was a smuggler, but some of the jobs were needed. Medical supplies, food, and sometimes weapons. The reasoning to why they had to get those guns from Robert. Joel glanced around the rest of the area to be safe. Just because they were in a quarantine zone, it didn't mean it was impossible for Runners or Clickers to sneak in some how. They were tricky like that. Better be safe than sorry, right?

They both began making their way down the alleyway toward the little zones main road that lead to the FEMA gate and outside. He ignored the begging vagrants surrounding them wanting one thing or another. He used to feel bad and feed them until Tess told him to stop. He realized quickly that more than most could work like them, but they chose not to. They chose to not contribute in the way they had to. It was dirty work sometimes, but it was necessary. Surviving. The job Joel and Tess did, though, you had to turn your emotions off. Killing people was a given and doing so was never easy. He got paid, though. He has a home. Not the greatest home, but a home. He was safer than most.

"The checkpoint is still open, "Tess cut into the silence, nodding in the direction of it.

"Only got a few hours left until curfew, "Joel added.

Tess smirked at Joel, "We better hurry up, then."

Joel and Tess strolled down the alleyway toward the main road that led to the Checkpoint. Tess jogged to the gate and opened it. Sweat already started to form on Joel's brow and he decided today was going to be a bad day. Hot, sweaty and angry. No matter how much he tried denying any feelings for Tess, there was. There always had been since the day they met but, he was scared to make connections in that way. Just as they stepped out of the alleyway, Joel watched a military vehicle roll past them. The loud speakers overhead crackled to life and a woman's voice came over head that he was so used to hearing now:

"Attention: Citizens are required to carry a current ID at all times. Compliance with all city personnel is mandatory."

Joel looked around the streets at a town he had known so much about for so long, yet he still felt like something new was there each day. New people. New barricades. Even at times, lack of things that made it look so different. Joel watched as a soldier grabbed someone and threw them down to the ground and pointed their gun at them. Tess turned her attention that way too and rose a brow, "Look at that. Ration line hasn't opened yet. Must be running low again."

The same soldier yanked the man back to his feet and shoved him against the wall. He pulled his arms behind his back before placing zip-tie cuffs on him. A few other soldiers followed suit and cuffed a few other people. Joel could only think that maybe they had tried stealing and got caught. Rule one, never get caught. Learn to properly do it before actually doing it. Tess and Joel got caught a few times doing things they shouldn't, but it was before they had someone to help them figure it out. Maybe when he gets back he could look for them. Recruit them. Joel and Tess knew the ones who grew to hate the military control were the best to bring on with them.

Joel glanced around confused at the lack of people on the streets. Why were there so many left outside so close to curfew? Usually people were scrambling to find someway inside. Whether it was their own residence or it was a random building. He looked over at Tess who had the same exact look. Tess side eyed Joel and muttered, " Seems like more people are getting infected."

"That just means more people are sneakin' out," Joel responded.

A part of him agreed with that. That people shouldn't be held inside. They know the risk. They get checked any time the come back in, so why not do that regardless for everyone? Unless they don't actually trust their equipment to detect it properly. Joel tried to not dwell on it too much, though. That is when he usually didn't pay attention to his surroundings. Joel and Tess approached an area that looked like a makeshift market you would see in the poor streets of countries many years ago. Sheets draped over the tops of them to block out the sunlight. Though that never truly helped the heat. Some people pushed their goods at them as they walked by, usually hand made stuff that he chose to ignore. He only got what he needed, nothing more. Tess would lecture him over that, though. He held onto his shirts too long sometimes, apparently. Joel ducked his head to walk underneath a sheet and held it up for Tess to walk under. Joel turned when he heard his name called out by an old friend.

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