Chapter 3

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"Look, once we get our merchandise back," Tess started, "It should be easy to unload."

"Speaking of merchandise," He sighed heavily, rubbing his face out of exhaustion. These sleepless nights were going to be the death him. Not some runner or clicker, but the lack of sleep, "When's the next shipment due?"

Tess huffed and shrugged, "Well, we're meeting Bill next month. More pills and lots of ammo supposedly."

Joel knew Bill always came through with supplies, but it wasn't always what they wanted or needed. They couldn't complain, though. They did, but it was more so just to start a conversation in their strange relationship. Bill was quite the ornery bastard. He was a good guy, of course, or he would keep the supplies to himself. Tess just knew how to piss him off the right way, "Yeah, well he always shows up with somethin'. Should keep us busy for a while."

They strolled through hallways of the apartment building, not bothering to stop and check rooms for supplies. They were all picked through years ago. The fact one of those things could be hiding in there waiting for them to walk in was possible too. Many people ran to avoid the military when they came through towns to evacuate them, thinking they they knew better, and hid themselves. Well, some were right and some weren't fit to survive out here alone. Joel was one who did that for awhile, until he realized that things were far more difficult than he thought. He was stubborn though and after how Sarah died, he grew resentful of them all.

Tess and Joel rounded the corner and both of them stopped dead in there tracks. Almost like they hit a brick wall. Tess put her hand up, "Hold up. Spores."

Joel looked confused for a moment before he helped Tess unhook her gas mask from her bag and handed it to her. He then took his own off his bag and pulled it onto his face. Inhaling the bits that release from the sporangia are deadly. Maybe not right away, but it does it's job eventually. Some people can last hours and some can last only minutes. Joel wasn't sure exactly why it was different for everyone. He wasn't a scientist or doctor.

"Where the hell are those comin' from? Place was clear last time,"Joel said, in shock.

"They're coming outta somethin'. Stay alert." Tess responded, her voice muffled by her mask.

He could see if it was a tiny bit starting to grow, but it looked as if the sporangia had been there for years. Joel flicked his light on and scanned the hallway, seeing the golden specks floating carelessly in the ghastly looking air. It was actually beautiful. It would be even more so if it wasn't meant to kill every living creature. Joel noticed that the fungus was stretching from a side room where the door was wide open. He stayed near the door and listened for any sounds of movement from the dead or a human. When he heard nothing, he peeked his head around the corner to see the entire room covered in fungus. It wasn't your typical fungus you see in your home on the rare occasion, no, this stuff completely overtook the place. It made it it's home in a thick layer of green and black deadly earth. The areas closes to the door weren't as bad, but when he looked toward where the doorway to the next room was, it had completely taken over the floor. He looked at Tess," There's no other way through?"

She shook her head and stared at him. He coould sense the worry in her, but she always his it very well, "No. The hallway is blocked off toward the end of it."

He swallowed hard and sighed heavily in frustration. Either they were about to fight, or just go through unnecessary panic. He wasn't quite sure which one it was yet. Joel started toward the open doorway, looking around his surroundings still to be careful. He stopped when he turned and saw a clicker formed into the wall just near the doorway. His shoulders dropped in relief and nodded his head toward it, "There's our culprit."

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