Now & Then (Prologue)

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I sighed and looked at the box labeled "old photos". Usually, like a piggy bank, I add photos over time but never look at them. Some are photos of my childhood. Others are photos from my past experiences with my adoptive family, which are much happier.

I sigh and shake the box a couple of times, hoping to shuffle them up. I pull off the lid and grab the first one I see; me at Live Aid. I remember this day so clearly; it was one of my first times feeling like a real celebrity. I set it down and grab the next. This one, well, it doesn't have the same effect.

It is me and my birth mother when I was around the age of ten. This photo was taken the day before her boyfriend had... well... I didn't even want to think about that. I looked happy, and that was one of the last times I was even slightly happy in that household. I saw the white powder on the table, the couch with cigarette burns, the cigarette burns on my arms. His words fill my head, and I started crying. She did nothing. Nothing to save me. She didn't even trust me, her own daughter, after I told her what happened. She was too high, too drunk, too clueless. I felt arms go around my waist and a kiss on my cheek.

"It's okay. He is gone." Freddie tells me and I turn around to cry in his chest. He strokes my hair and puts his arms around me. He reaches into the box and pulls out a different picture. He puts it in my hands and I smile. It was a photo taken recently with all of the people I love, all of the people I deserve. I deserved better and that's what I got.

"I'm so lucky to have you." I tell Freddie.

"Not as lucky as I am to have you"


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Love yall <3

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