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There was something so sweet about my uncles. Something that made me envy the people who didn't get to be close to them. Over the years I've gotten closer and closer with them, and they just helped me blossom into the person I am. I drove up to Roger and Brian's  house, putting the code into the gate. His house was huge, which is to be expected I guess. I cant really be talking since Freddie's house is so big most of his cats have their own rooms. I love all of my cousins, but it was Felix Taylor I felt the closest to. We had always been that way. The numerous vacations and Queen events we had been to, he was always at my side. I straightened up my car, putting his favorite cassettes in front of his seat for him to choose through. He called me yesterday and asked if we could hang out today, so gladly I accepted. We do this every couple of weeks, and he acts like a mini therapist. I jumped out of the car and walked up to the door. I opened it, greeted by Roger.

"Hello Bridge!" He said, the littlest Taylor climbing on his shoulders. Felix smiled and pushed his father out of the way.

"Love you bye!" He shouted, running to the car. I smiled at Roger and chased after Felix. I wrestled him into the soft grass, both of us giggling up a storm. He pushed me off of him and stood up, putting out his arm to help me up. I took it and stood up, brushing the grass off of my jeans [seen in above photo]. We walked to the car, still laughing.

"Can we put the roof down? Please?" Felix begged.

"I can't believe I forgot, go get on your side." I said, unlatching the roof from my side. We lay it down and jump in the car, him immediately putting Arrival by ABBA into the car.

"I knew it." I laughed, pressing play.

"So, how are you and Charley?" He asked, turning down the radio as When I Kissed the Teacher played through the car speakers.

"Good, we just went out to dinner last night." I said, putting on my pink sparkly sunglasses. I smirked, remembering what we did later that night.

"Are you still debating on coming out? Big time?" He asked.

"You are so unfiltered Lex, god, you're ten." I laughed.

"I want to be a therapist, I gotta get my start somewhere. You have a lot going for you right now Mrs.Mercury, be glad that you have me." He said. "Now, answer me."

"Yes, I am planning on doing it. With a song, actually." I told him. 

"Ooh, can I come? I'd be a great background dancer." He laughed.

"Sure, I'll find something. Don't let the others know."

"My lips are sealed. Look at this cool drawing of Mario I did on my arm!" He said, immediately getting off topic and holding his arm out.


"A hunka hunka burnin' love!" We sang along to the cassette, giggling. We had went to an American restaurant, our usual.

"I can't wait to be on summer break, I wish we could go on one of those vacations we used to do. Remember that?" Felix asked me.

"I do, especially the first one." I sighed.

"I wish we could do something like that, but just us." He said, smiling at me.

"Maybe, I don't know if your dad would let me, but that would be fun." I said.

"Well, let's do it before you come out." Felix insisted.


"Just in case people try to kill you." He said, half joking.

"Oh, well that fills me with hope. Thank you Lexie." I said, punching him in the arm.


Felix is back! He will be in this story more than the last, make sure to look out for him! Are there any other characters you loved from the last book? Let me know, and I'll add them in more!

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