Honky Cat

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"I- I just don't know." I said to Jim Beach, my manager.

"Bridget, I know it's big, but we need an answer. not today, but before the preparations for the wedding start. You know that if you come out to the world, you might lose fans and get hate, but you also get to be a better version of yourself. You can also have a much easier wedding to plan, since you won't be trying to hide it."

"I- how would I even do it?" I muttered.

"Well, you could do the usual and say it in an interview, or you could find an alternative way to do it. Is it a yes?" Jim asked.

"I don't know! This is a big deal Jim, if I do it, I can't take it back. I can't un-come out." I said and set my head in my hands.

"I know, but we have been discussing this for ages now Bridget. You get back to me, okay?" He said in a calm voice. I nodded and he left the living room, Freddie's to be exact. Despite the money and all, I still live with Freddie, Jim, and Kevin. I find it comforting, plus Kevin is still little. I still want to have these memories of his childhood years. His silly sayings make me forget about my own problems.

I walk upstairs and throw on Honky Chatu. Elton John never fails to make me feel happy. I hummed along to the piano of Honky Cat, reading through the lyric sheet (as if I didn't already know the words). I twirled my curly short hair around my bright blue painted nail(Freddie paints them for me), smiling at the lyric sheet. I traced my finger on the outline of Charley's peach-flavored ChapStick, the memory clear in my mind. She kissed the cover her first time here, right next to one of her favorite songs, Mona Lisa's and Mad Hatters. She went through a very chapstick-heavy phase, since Bernie didn't like her wearing makeup. All the memories.

I looked over the lyrics, something i have really appreciated since i started writing songs.
Lookin for an answer, tryin to find a sign
"Until I saw those city lights, honey I was blind." I sang along.

I threw the lyric sheet onto my bed and I grabbed a purple feather boa that was wrapped around my chair, then grabbed some sparkly sunglasses. I danced around the room, singing along to the song. The lyrics started sounding more and more like what I was looking for; a way to tell the world who I was. It clicked. I ran out of my room and downstairs where Freddie was.


"Bridget, honey, what is it now?" He laughed, putting his book down. I took off my boa and glasses and sat down.

"Y'know how I need a way to tell the world I love boobs?" I giggled. He laughed and nodded. "Well, y'know Elton's song, 'Honky Cat'? The lyrics are perfect, they say what I want to say. I could do a cover of the song and make a music video for MTV, showing who I am."

"That sounds nice, it sounds very... you. Since we are on the topic, when are we going wedding dress shopping?" Freddie gushed. He loved the idea of wedding planning.
"I don't want a typical wedding dress daddy, I want to have something that's really me. I do know what I want my bridesmaids to wear though." I gushed. I already had a dress in mind for me, I just needed to find someone to make it for me.

"What about at your reception? Are you going to wear the same dress?" He asked.

"No, but I want to wear a jumpsuit." I said, smiling. I love jumpsuits with a passion, you can tell with my stage wear. It's only fitting I wear one on my wedding night.

"I adore that idea. Who's gonna be your bridesmaids?"

"Well, Meredith of course. Probably some of the girls in my band and some friends. Only about five though. I'm probably going to get their dresses from a local bridal shop." I said. Honestly, I haven't thought of it much.

"Go call them up, l'll RSVP at the bridal shop so we can have it to ourselves." Freddie said and I smiled.

Welcome to chapter one of "Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes"! I'm so happy to finally be getting this out! You can probably expect about one chapter a week, but it all depends on my schedule and such.

With love,

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