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"So first you will be in a black and white set, dressed as a little girl. The chorus will be you discovering music, everything being in color. Then when it says " high-class ladies" it will show you flirting with women, hinting at your sexuality. The rest of the song will be pretty self-exclamatory until you get to the end. At the end, charley, who we already talked to, will come out and you two will kiss, ending the video and showing the whole meaning behind it. Sound okay?" Miami asked, looking at me stressfully.

"Yes, that sounds great." I said. It sounded like everything I had asked for, so I couldn't be disappointed. I wasn't disappointed, Jim really works wonders.

"Great, the shoot date is set for a week from tomorrow, the B side being "Dreamer". He said and I nodded. This was a real meeting in his office, which always meant a crowd would join me immediately following. He told me I was free to leave, and I did, waving goodbye. I tugged on my clothing, making sure everything was in place. I put on my heart shaped sunglasses and old baseball hat and walked out, trying not to make eye contact. There stood around ten reporters, all shouting at me.

"Bridget, what's next?" One yelled, recorder pointed at me. I ignored him and continued walking to my car. He kept following me and I ran, opening and shutting my car door with force. I jammed the key into the car and drove away, tears falling into my lap. I hate the reporters; I hate being watched. I love my job, but I wish it was less demanding. I take a breath and drive to Jude's house, turning up the radio. I switched the station and my voice flooded through the speakers. I gripped the wheel and screamed, turning the radio off.

I parked the car in Jude's driveway and walked inside without knocking.

"Hello?" Jude yelled from the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and took a seat at their table, throwing my keys onto the table mat.

"Someone's in a bad mood, what's up?" They say, boiling a pot of noodles. I walked over to their fridge and grabbed a bottle of vodka and a jug of Cool Aid.

"Hey, I was saving that!" They say, throwing a spoon at me. "Now, what's wrong?"

"I'm a millionaire, I'll refund you." I said, putting the vodka and Cool Aid in a glass. "And I'm fine, being famous is just stressful."

"Well, what should we do about it?" Jude asked, flinging their wet red hair out of their face.

"We should go clubbing. Go drink, go to a party. Go hang out with, y'know Ringo Starr and Keith Moon!" I squealed.

"Bridget, honey, Keith Moon has been dead for like ten years, and where would we find a party?" Jude giggled.

"Jude, honey, I have connections. Plus, we can just go to a normal club or something." I said, planning the night in my head.

"It's 2:00, what are we going to do until then?" Jude asked as she dumped red sauce into the pasta.

"Eat those noodles and call Meredith and Charley, then hang out with them for a bit, then get dressed and prepped up then leave." I said, starting some tea.

"How long have u had this plan?" They asked.

"I just came up with it." I shrugged.

"Okey fine, I'll club." Jude sighs. They dump a spoonful of spaghetti in my bowl, then into theirs.

"Perfect." I giggled, leaving my bowl for the phone.

[a couple hours later]

"Are you sure this is a great idea? With all of that stuff going on with the press?" Meredith asked me and she took a sip of her earl gray tea.

"Yes, we will be fine Mere." I said.

"We just have to be careful, that's all." Charley said and put her arm around my waist. I nodded, knowing what the consequences would be.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2023 ⏰

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