what type of gamer are they

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(The set up is just the type of minecraft player i think they are and why)

Masaomi: I feel like he would just do smaller tasks he is in no rush to travel to the nether or fight the ender dragon but he would aid you on your adventures wether it be makeing sure you had some good iorn armor or makeing sure there would enough food in the chests
He definitely becomes fond of the animals especially bunny's so have fun with baked potatoes and carrots

Ukyo: this guy is the organized player who has what they need when they need it and has a strong base and a nether portal with in the first hour of playing when you voiced how amazed you were that he was able to kill the ender dragon with in 2 days of being on a hard-core world he just stared at you confused on why you were amazed

Kaname: he has no idea what to do to be honest he let's you do the leg work while he just puts his bed next to yours and he takes your food when he wants to go exploring

Hikaru: he like watching you play more than playing but when he dose I think he would be a builder do they look great no but it was the effort that matters

Tusbaki: he is the fighter but he dies more times then not he loves coming to your rescue but he hates the spiders he has definitely fallen into lava in the nether because he tried to help you fight a blaze

Azusa: he loves to go out of his way to gather materials for you like wood,ore,stone simple things I bet he also like makeing healing potions to give to you and he makes sure you are as organized as possible

Natsume: he's and absolute boss at this game obviously but unlike ukyo he knows what he's doing except collecting resources and he can get a bit disorganized but he loves when you put in the time to help him with small tasks he even let you put your bed next to his

Louis: he has no idea what he's doing but he likes tending to the farms and collecting plants he is definitely a flower picker and you defend him from mobs

Subaru: he is the guy to get things from the nether if you need it or travel thousands of blocks just wandering and when he gets back he gets flustered that you put your beds together

Iori: he's a flower picker and likes farming but he is also an amazing builder like I mean amazing you can't go wrong with him of he is makeing the house and he puts your beds next each other with your favorite flower next to the bed

Yusuke: miner he has no concept of time so while you defending your self from mobs when you are supposed to be sleeping he's just filling hia inventory with cobblestone and coal

Futo: dosen't play he would rather die then waste his time with such a stupid game in his words also he doesn't cate care when you play he complains that you don't give him enough attention or that your to loud

Wataru: NOOB!!! this child has no idea what's happening he has been killed by creepers so many times he also hates the zombies and spiders he thinks that the skeletons are mean

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