changes i would make to the anime?

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(This is based on the anime and nothing else)

Table of contents (not in order)
Show lay out/ways to fix issues
Plot things that bug me

could have been alittle less "~I'm just a helpless little girl who dosen't know what the fuck is going on at all uwu~" like bitch you lived alone for how long I bet you could have fixed the plumbing issue they mentioned in episode one (dubed) in like 10 minutes if you used your 2 last brian cells

Also she should have called them out on thier bullshit Subaru said he didn't like haveing you around don't apologize to him tell him to grow up or remind him you probably won't be around for long seeing as you have a promising future with your grades
Futos talking shit calling you dumb hit him ukyo asked if he was being polite tell him no he was and ass to you and move on

Plot things that bug me
wataru sure it would be fine if he was a side character and not counted as a love interest like what the fuck

The constant disrespect for her boundaries "oh you have said several times you just see me as a reliable see me as a you want to go out on Friday" first off ew second off should she have enforced these boundaries yes should they have respected them in the first place yes

Futo trying to rape her...this speaks for its self

Step siblings....this also speaks for itself

Things that I would do to fix it
Obviously cut all the stuff I mentioned above out
how I would lay out the episodes I will make this fair I will only do this in 12 episodes I am not going to count the ovas the Aladin rip off episode will counted  as an extension to episode 12

In most if not all we will see mini dates that are just platonicnot everybrother will get a date in the episode but they each will get 2 atleast, cg's to break up the episode a bit
The cg's will show dates and small moments between ema and one of the brothers that were not animated
example Yusuke and ema looking at fish in the aquarium and ema is holding onto his sleeve and Yusuke blushing Slightly while smiling at her.

1.) Intro all characters

2.) Small scenes for each brother to see how they help her settle in and just start the chemistry

3.) Chemistry building small get to know each other dates I want to see ema go to school what dose her life look like with out the brothers

4.)more dates ema talking about colleges with Kanme and a few other brothers let's see more of the brothers on thier own and or with each other interacting

5.) A visit from rintaro and miwa to see how everything is going miwa and ema spend the day together and rintaro gets to know the brothers bonding time expand on chemistry

6.) A few more dates some small domestic things, and Azusas illness helping Tsubaki and comforting natsume

7.) Slightly continues episode six but Azusa is better some time skips culture fest is approaching

8.) Culture fest happens we see ema interact with all the brothers who go if they all don't go she interacts with them later and they talk about the festival a bit

9.) Emas adopted she takes some time to herself she texts them all and says she will be out late she spends the night at a friend's house before she gose to bed she texts them about the change of plans

10.) Small scenes showing each brother talk to ema about identity and what family is all about and what connects people other then  we see more chemistry building obviously we also see them talking about different kinds of love

11.) We see a small time skip with some reflections on the show and a dinner scene to show character growth

12.) This episode will show a cut scene for each brother confessing  none of these conferences will not exist in the same universe this will wrap up the individual story lines created before hand (think off it as a what if or like the game with multiple endings )

12.5.) Cut scenes and cgs of what happend after the confessions and example Masaomi and ema getting married like they did in game

It's a rough outline but it's okay
The way I chose to end it with cut scenes for each brother is close to how the game works each brother has its own story line with its own endings

Why she moved in
Any thing would have been better then step siblings  we could have had girl next door  child hood friends, the parents could have been business partners for fucks sake but no we had to go the creepy route

*edit: why is emas last name ashahina (is this just a Fandom thing?)
because thier mom married her dad and traditionally women take thier husband's last did they decide to go with miwas last name?
dose that mean her first husband's (the brothers father) last name was not ashahina?the Wikipedia dosen't even have a name for the dad*

(I know this is a mess)

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