happy easter

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(Set up bunny ears and a tail what could go wrong)

Masaomi: "b-b-bunny you look...cute"

Ukyo: *stares in shock*

Kaname: "why hello teddy bear"

Hikaru: "wow you look great you definitely have the legs for this"

Tsubaki: "God damn."

Azusa: *stares in oh fuck thier hot"

Natsume: "damn and I thought you were my kitten"

Louis: "you look so cute"

Subaru: *faints in oh shit I'm in love*

Iori: " woe you look lovelier yhen these flowers"

Yusuke: "marry me...agian"

Futo: "hello darling you look not half bad actually"

(Happy Easter or whatever you celebrate I know this is short but I haven't had time to write or the energy to)

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