Chapter 1: a cat

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I'm just a cat on the outskirts of Tokyo. I have been called many names by many different people such as midnight, fluffers, and yoruichi just to name a few. That name of yoruichi is the most confusing but also it seems the most right out of all of them. How can a name seem right even though you have no name is beyond me, but that confusion didn't stop me from going to that complex more often than the rest.

The family is known as the Shihoin family, and they are known for raising bodyguards that have something called a hero's license. From what I've heard the reason why they are known so well for this is related to their combat style that was passed down since before the quirk-era had begun. Even the children in the family that don't have quirks can hold their own against a c-class villain at the age of 17 after that the difference in gender starts to differentiate their future endeavors such as a female will likely be stuck at that strength without a quirk while a male will be able to go further to almost b-class strength depending on their work ethic.

I watch their training for nearly 5 years and doing some training myself increasing my strength by carrying some training equipment they need for their next exercise to them. at first when I started this it was just small things like throwing daggers and such but over the years I've been able to carry entire crates of the heaviest equipment like test dummies. This day was meant to be like the rest until I felt a burning feeling running through my body and numbing pain like electricity that I felt when I ran into one of those fences at the farms further away from Tokyo heading to the mountains.

"NYAAAAA!!!" I screamed in pain until I felt my body grow and a slight bulge on my chest although not much at all. My body felt the wind a bit more than it normally does but not by much. I look around in my pained state to see the Shihoin family surrounding me in surprise and some with worried expressions, the young males were blushing furiously and turning their heads so far you'd think they would break.

"We need to get her inside to rest. after that ready some clothes and contact the family head. tell him Yoruichi has awakened a quirk!" The person who was in charge of training handed out orders to the rest as I pass out shortly after.

                                                ____1 day later___

I wake up from a dream where I'm in a different place as a human being as the one training others and using some sort of movement I called shunpo. It was a strange dream but I woke up non the less to find that my body has changed to no longer be that of the beautiful cat I am, and instead is that of a young (around 8-9 years old in looks) tan female human with short purple hair hanging down from my head. I slowly but steadily stand as I've seen the other humans do and find myself close to a mirror. In the mirror I find that I still have my gold cat eyes but the shape of my eyelids are definitively more human.

I walk over to a table with clothes that I frequently see many of the female Shihoin wear during training along with a dress like robe I believe the humans call a "kimono" with dark orange and brown flowers across a light orange backdrop. Luckily I remember walking in on one of the females changing in one of my earliest adventures to the Shihoin complex so I know how to put it on. It's rather strange but from what I've seen it's frowned upon for humans to not wear clothes around other humans. Although I could turn back into a cat, the Shihoin are a kind bunch that I feel some form of connection to so I want to try to be one of them if possible, and to do so I would need to be able to talk with them.

'I've learned the language around here but will I be able to speak properly?' I think to myself as I finish getting changed. Soon the door opens and a young (4 years old) female with black shoulder length hair comes in. 'I believe her name was Feng Shaoling, and her family is a branch family that has always served the Shihoin family.'

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