Chapter 3: Before UA Entrance Exam

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It has been nearly 6 years since I've become Yuuichirou's daughter and over the years my human body has become more voluptuous and muscular much to my amusement as it ends up in many funny events occurring. Shaoling has been trying to get closer to me since that day, and has been rather successful if the feelings I feel when she's not there is any indication. About a year ago I was deemed good enough in regards to strength and knowledge to start training a couple of people to become my sidekicks to which I've added Feng Shaoling, and Omaeda Marenoshin Who I've seen on the training ground seldom even though he has good battle instincts.

Over the years I've learned all that I need to know for even up until college so I've been trying to implement more techniques and training methods I've seen my dream self use. It's been successful to an extent as even my dream self came up with some techniques she didn't have full control over. The best technique I've learned to use would definitely be "shunko" as it gives me a powerful attack as well as increases my natural speed to that of shunpo speed. Although I've been able to use "shunko: raijin Senkei" it takes a lot of energy and in a short time I will be near the bottom of my reserves. I've increased my pool of energy to use my quirk to be about 2/3rd of the amount the me in my first dream had, and it's become a lot tamer now that I've trained it.

Training my two future sidekicks has been eventful as they are both rather quick learners. Marenoshin has a quirk that creates a spiked ball and chain come out of his hands and allows him to attack close or long range as well as having something sturdy to defend with at close range. Shaoling on the other hand has a similar power to me except hers is wind, so I've been trying to teach her shunpo, and to our surprise it worked although as she hasn't practiced she can't go as far nor use it as long as me yet. I've trained them as best I could, and have gained a bit of reputation in the family for seeing talent.

It's a month before the entrance exams for UA and I and my sidekicks got our provisional hero license just last month as it was decided that we will all go to UA even though it's a bit early for Shaoling it was determined that she is both smart enough and strong enough to go along as a genius grade skipper. My hero name was decided by my two sidekicks as the "Flash Goddess", Shaoling unfortunately for me chose to go with "Sui-Feng" in remembrance of her grandmother who used the same title, and Marenoshin just used his last name "Omaeda" as a way to boost his families gem business for future retirement. We were walking by Takoba Municipal Beach Park to find All Might training a straggly broccoli haired boy who although has muscles, you could tell he's not the one to have been training even at a decent pace until last year at the earliest. since I'm in my cat form today I decide to go over and scare them a bit.

"I'm going to play a little prank, you two can just stay here or watch from a distance if you want." I say while still in my cat form. Oh yeah, have I mentioned that I can do that now? well, my voice changes to that of an adult man so it's great for pranks.

"Obviously, I'm going to watch. I have to make sure Yoruichi-sama's plans aren't meddled with." Shaoling replied making me grin at her seriousness. Over the years she's been more and more serious about being my best sidekick that she has become so cute to tease.

"I will also watch, although we should make sure to leave before 4 as I've heard, that new fish place opened up and no doubt after 5 they will be wrapped up." Marenoshin said while reminding me of the new fish place that specializes in authentic sushi as well as other traditional Japanese fish dishes that was the main reason we moved to musutafu earlier than needed in the first place, although I would never tell Yuuichirou this.

"alright then, you just watch then little bee, Marenoshin-kun. I'll definitely be back before 4." I reply making Shaoling blush furiously, and Marenoshin sighs in exasperation.

I walk over to the two and quickly but quietly jump on All Might's head so he doesn't notice. The broccoli boy just finished another load of trash. "Keep at it boy you've only got a month left!" and with such tough love training the green hair turns to All Might to affirm his statement only to see me perched on top of All Might's head like I've been there the entire time.

"Uhh... All Might?" The green sprout says cautiously. "Why do you have a cat on your head?" He continues with a slight tilt of his head signifying he's thoroughly confused.

"Cat?" He then goes to reach for me but I jump down before he's able to. "What the... when did you get here little kitty?" He then kneels in front of me to which I then jump on his face clawing him before jumping onto the green sprout. "OOOUUUCH!!! WATCH OUT YOUNG MIDORIYA THEY'RE STRONGER THAN THEY LOOK!" As I sit on the green sprout's head he starts looking around frantically for me.

I decide to jump off the green sprout that has been revealed as Midorya pushing him onto the ground while I land on an old rusty television coincidentally it turned on as it was one of them weird new-old tv's that can run off battery or outlet. It turns to just so happen connect to a channel that was advertising UA but that's not all, it also happened to mention that getting into their curriculum is like catching a cat by it's tail, and both the green sprout and All might deadpan at the ironic situation they find themselves in.

I then notice the sun and decide that I better get going so using shunpo I rush to where Shaoling and Marenoshin are waiting for me. I can hear the "Where'd the cat go?!" and the "Was it a ghost?!" in the background, and can't help but grin. "Well let's get home so I can change into something some human clothes. I don't think they would like a cat just waltzing into the place on their first day of opening."

"I'm already ahead of you Yoruichi-sama. I brought some clothes just in case you needed them." As she said this she pulled out my training outfit along with a black kimono with purple and pink flowers decorating a twig, and some wooden sandals and socks. "Well, isn't my little bee being thoughtful as ever~?" I purr at her ear causing he to blush furiously.

I and Shaoling make our way to a nearby public toilet since it's still technically a beach/park the province has to keep them around and clean. I change and after coming out Shaoling took a few pictures as she has taken up photography as a hobby within the last 3 years, but most of the photos she takes are of me so I don't know if she could call it a hobby or not.We make our way back to Marenoshin, and then head to the fish place that opened up. I end up eating one of everything as I couldn't decide what to order. It was delicious as the fish was all fresh, and the chefs seemed to know what they were doing as the cooked dishes had been great without being overcooked. After the meal we head to our abode that we will be staying in for our time at UA. It is a traditional Japanese style home that has three bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a decent sized kitchen and living room. Marenoshin hurried to the computer trying to find real-estate near that beach, and once he found one he liked, he sent the location to his parents telling them how it would be a great investment based on what he's seen today. Shaoling goes to her room most likely to gawk at the photos she took today, and I just take a bath to go to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2021 ⏰

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