Chapter 2: Daughter...?!

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I wake up from another strange dream again today, it was still about training except the me in the dream seemed to be training a group of people with clothes that hide their appearance in the Shihoin combat style. 'Was the me in my dreams a future me?' I think while I get ready for the day that I become officially part of the family. It seems they prepared me a different kimono as this one is purple with white flowers as the design. I may not be the most knowledgeable about fashion but I did learn a thing or two by listening to the female teens in the family gush over kimonos and other clothes, so I can say yesterday and today too have been pretty well planed.

I walk out to find Shaoling walking towards my room. The moment she sees me she looks a bit disappointed for some reason, but still comes at me with a blush on her face. "I-I would have woke you up but it seems t-there's no need. I've come to t-tell you that after eating breakfast I'll bring you t-to the announcement hall." She says as we start walking to the dinning area where everyone get's the same large fish centric traditional breakfast with grilled fish, rice, and miso soup along with an assortment of other sides such as rolled omelet , pickles, and nori. apparently there are people in the family who don't like other meats than fish so they settled on a traditional breakfast for everyone. 'Well, not like I'm complaining.'

After the breakfast we headed to the announcement hall where Yuuichirou was waiting for me. After Shaoling left he motioned for me to sit in a seat next to him and we talked about the announcement and what I had to do. I apparently didn't have to do much but introduce myself as Shihoin Yoruichi, and ask for their blessings. Although I didn't have to do much the announcement took over 2 hours because of other announcements that Yuuichirou decided would be good to announce at the same time. As the the announcements began he didn't start out with my introduction but rather with how the family will move forward with the advent of an animal that used his hero license and teaching career as a foothold to become the principal to the largest hero school in japan, UA. 'An animal other than me has a quirk? if so then would it be ok for me to become a hero like the Shihoin family too?' I think to myself with slight hope that I can help my new family and have fun exploring more at the same time.

Then came my introduction as the heads new daughter.... 'Wait what?!' I go up with confusion on my face, but I still introduce myself as they taught me to. When the announcements were done I could see Yuuichirou snickering over my reaction of being recognized as his daughter. He tells everyone to meet at the training field where I will be doing some drills to get a gauge of my overall fitness. While everyone else leaves like a big cluster he walks along with me while joking about my reaction until I pout about being made fun of to which he laughs and explains that the reason I'm recognized as his daughter is because he believes that by doing this not only will he be able to finally bring in the cat that he's been wanting to keep for the longest time, but also be able to get on the good side of UA although that second part was mostly just an opportunity that this situation could obtain and not the goal.

Before we make it to the training field he points me to a room just before it and told me to get my clothes situated in there as he apparently heard how I just stripped the kimono off yesterday from Shaoling. After doing this I go to the training field in the training clothes- black, backless, and sleeveless shirt with a pair of black stretch pants and a white sash around my waist, and lightweight brown shoes. The test was basically how fast I can run a 400 meter lap, how many push-ups and sit-ups can I do in a minute each, and what I get on the grip strength test. For all these test I get about the same average as most would at the age of 13-14 but in the running I did above average and actually passed it with a score of 25.73 seconds putting my base running speed on par with someone using a speed based quirk. After all the tests were done they had me spar with the instructor for the Shihoin's combat style.

As we get in our ready positions we stand 3 meters away from each other and bow. The instructor is named Shihoin Masaaki and he is the 5th strongest in the combat style of the whole family. We start the spar by dashing towards each other to close the distance and trade blows in under a second. My reach is limited compared to his so I have to go on the offensive, and he goes to take an open palmed strike to the top of my forehead to which I dodge by backflipping away and before I can orient myself he is already on me with a kick to my left side which I'm just barely able to block but not without feeling a throbbing sensation through my left arm. I started to attack again the moment I caught myself from sliding, by throwing an open palm strike to his abdomen which actually connected only for him to catch my wrist and place his free hand that was oriented like that of a blade against my throat to signify my loss. as such I raise my free hand in defeat, and after the referee calls the spar he let's go. As I look around after our spar some look impressed while others look shocked and a few look like their fish was stolen.

"That was impressive. I would say you're about at the same level as someone who's been training for a couple of years in the style. Although there are a few rough patches hear and there I'd say a year or so will be enough to iron those out and you'd probably be able to be my sparing partner in 5 years time, but of course that's only if you don't slack in your training understood?" He praises me and at the last part made my hair stand on end with how drastic his change was causing me to nod profusely. "HAHAHA! Good, I'll be expecting a lot out of you as not only the new child of the head but also a fellow martial artist." He says with a toothy grin like the seriousness that could make a bear run into hiding never appeared.

Once that was over I was told to go with Yuuichirou to the meeting room again to discuss the schedule he's drawn out for my training and also scholarly practice so that I can be admitted into UA high-school in 6 years to make ties to the smart rat that's the head of the school and to be a secret bodyguard for the young yaoyorozu that will be going there to not just become a hero but also bring the yaoyorozu name to even the common households. The training consisted of 2 hours of endurance training, 1 hour of combat training, and 2 hours of quirk training, and 1 hour of training based on what's determined I'll need improvement on everyday. while the scholarly practice will last 6 hours while learning different courses each day through the week. I am intrigued when I hear that the principal is a rat and one with and intelligence based quirk and I really want to play with him, but it seems that my thoughts were on my face because Yuuichirou shot it down almost immediately. After that I'm told to go to the training grounds to do some endurance training before going to take a shower, eat and call it a day as I'll have to be awake at 6 sharp to be able to have time for everything planned. As I go do the endurance training I sense a few pairs of eyes on me and when I turn to see who it was I see that it was Shaoling and 10 other girls watching me training. I continue training so that I can make the training effective for future endeavors. After I get done with the training I go to take a bath and then to eat, again I get the fish ramen that I again eat 5 bowls of before stopping with a full stomach. After I finish eating I head to my room to go to bed.

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