The theif

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~Keith POV~

Today was normal, well..atleast for me of course. Another day another rap battle, this time with some war general who is ranting about "Titanic".
Me with my mic in hand and my sweet babe in the other, and pico shooting down this guy's soldiers while I sing. Yeah I know it doesnt seem like im doing much, but it does help with something right? Anyways after the battle, the war general finally let us go and the three of us walked home.

GF: That was a real though battle you guys

Keith: yeah, we acctually almost died that time if it wasnt for Pico

GF: *mumbles* I probably coulda took care of it

Keith: What was that GF

GF: Oh...N-Nothing....

Keith: O-Kay? Anywho thanks again Pico

Pico: No prob

Keith: But are you sure you're ok, there were alot of goons to take down by yourself

Pico: Im fine, I only got shot once

He showed my the gunshot wound on his arm, the blood seeping through his shirt. If it was anyone else I would of paniced and stuff, but since its Pico I didnt worry so much. I mean dont get me wrong I care for Pico as much as my other friends, but he's a tough guy and he's been through way worse. But Im still gonna help him with the wound though. When we arrived home, GF started makeing us some dinner while I help Pico with the gunshot wound. And yes Pico lives with us. He has no money to pay rent in an apartment so He crashes with me and GF. Anyways I was finishing up with Pico until a news broadcast came on the TV.

Reporter: This just in, the misterious theif has struck again...this time they stole a trophy from the famous "Daddy Dearest". No intel on why this theif is stealing random objects from this neighbourhood, but the police forces are still searching

And like 2 seconds after, Pico got a text.

Keith: who is it?

Pico: UGH...its your girl's dad

GF: *sigh* what does he want now?

Pico: he wants me to find and kill the, and I quote, "perpatrator who has the nerve to sneak into his house and steal from the greatest rockstar who ever lived"

Keith: EX-rockstar

Pico: his words, not mine

Keith: well are you sure we should find the theif, I mean its none of our buisness

GF: well according to the script it is suppose to be our buisness

Pico: I'll give ya a cut of the money if ya help us....

Keith: *sigh* fine im in, but only cause I might need to be there to rap battle someone

Pico: whatever you say keithy

So we all set out to find clues  about the theif.

~Pico POV~

We split up asking people about any clues of who the theif could be. After a few hours of pointless walking and talking to strangers, a woman cried out.


A black hooded figure ran super fast from the scene and into an alley way, I wasnt too far behind. I saw him stashing the lady's keys in a bag full of all the other stolen stuff. I quickly jumped behind him and grabbed his collar, holding my gun to his head.

Pico: you have exactly 8.4 seconds. Who are you and why did you steal all this stuff TALK!!!!

???: *in a very fast tone* My name is Greg and i was stealing all this stuff cause my boss told me too my boss name is-...


I shot him

Maybe I should of gave him more time....Who cares....

Anywho I stuffed the body in a garbage bag and ran all the way to DD house to drop it off. I didnt know if he wanted the body or just wanted him dead, but I gave it to him anyway and he gave me the money. I found BF and GF and they helped me return the stolen stuff. We got home and everything was good again.

Or so I thought......

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