The quest for Pico

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~Keith POV~

Keith: ya think we should go look for him...

GF: I think so, bring his gun along too just incase we'll need to

Keith: alright...

Its been 2 days since we've seen Pico. He didnr bring his gun with him either so somthing must be wrong. We got up and out the door, I had Pico's gun in my pocket. We searched around the block for a few clues of where he went.

《Time skip 2 hours cause Im lazy》

We saw a white windowless van pass by. From the front window we could see a guy in a blue shirt and a beard, with Skid and Pump in the back. I thought he was kidnapping them, MAYBE HE WAS THE ONE WHO KIDNAPPED PICO....
I took the gun from my pocket and shot the tires of the van. It came to a screeching hault. Me and GF forced open the door of the van and grabbed Skid and Pump.

Skid: Hey, what are you doing

Keith: Saveing ur lives

Pump: but that guy was just taking us to the mall

GF: well it was a trick kids, dont get into vans with strangerz

Pump: but he is not a stranger

Skid: he always takes us to ths mall, for the spooky candies

Keith: oh, sorry guys

Skid: that is ok

Pump: Cause it is the SPOOKY MONTH!!!

*skid and pump do spooky dance*

GF: anyways can you boys help us

Skid: sure Mrs Candy Lady

GF: have you guys seen a orange hair guy with a green sweater anywhere

Pump: you mean Mr. Pico

Keith: I guess so...

Skid: we saw him two days ago, he was running with a woman behind him...

Pump: I think they were playing tag...

Skid: ya, then Mr. Pico fell and the lady carried him away...

Keith: which way

Pump: that way...

Keith: ok, thanks Skid and Pump

Skid: your welcome Mr. Boyfriend

Pump: Have a spooky day

We ran in the direction Pump told us and found ourselves in the woods. I held my girlfriends hand as we walked through the trees and rocks. We found our way to a really big oak tree.

Keith: So now what

GF: idk, Skid and Pump said this "lady" carried him this way

* keith leans on the tree*

Keith: well maybe we should take a break, we dont have much of a lead he-

Suddenly I heard a creek, liks from a door or something. I fell through the trunk of the tree and down a hole. GF tried to grab me and pull me up, but she ended up falling in too. It was a pretty long drop, I hugged GF and closed my eyes expecting to die at the bottom of the hole, but to my supprise, I didnt feel anything...we just stopped. I looked up and saw GF in her demon for carefully flying us down with her wings...
She set me down at the bottom, and turned back into her regular form.

Keith: thanks, can you fly us back up there

GF: are you kidding, it was such a struggle to fly you down you know how heavy you are

Keith: hey, its not my fault...

GF: so...where are we

Keith: idk

We found ourselves in a room with a  pitch black floor and the walls were a bloody shade of red. We walked around looking for a way out...


Keith: this looks like a place your parents would live in

GF: Keith!!! This does look a demon place, but not like any my parents have...

Keith: so who's place is this...


I cant belive it...after all these years, she's back

Keith: C-Cass?....

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