The Antidote

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~Pico POV~

I woke up all of a sudden. But instead of in that mattress bed, I was in my bed. I looked around and found myself back in my room. I had a white tank top on and my sides and head were bandaged. Then I heard someone coming, they opened the door...It was GF and BF!!!

Keith: PICO!!! Im so glad you woke up

GF: its been 5 hours since we got you home...

Pico: h-home? From w-where?

Keith: that place where Cassandra took you....

Pico: wait? Y-you guys saved me? B-But how....

GF: BF beat her in  rap battle, and she agreed to let you go...

Pico: Oh no no....WE HAVE TO GO BACK ...we have to- *cough***

I tried getting up, but I just fell. BF and GF caught me and sat down on the bed on each side of me.

GF: woah calm down Pico, why would you want to go back...She just kidnapped you

Pico: She wouldnt let me go unless she was planning to do something...

BF: And what would that be?

Pico: I....I dont know, but it cant be good

GF: well then we have to stop her....but not you Pico

Pico: WHAT!?

BF: Pico, you're hurt and probably even sick. I dont know if its a good idea for you to help

Pico: No No No Im not sick, its just a bit of poison...GF you're a demon you should know an antidote or something....

GF: ok for the record, I AM a demon, not a Witch. But either way I still should know a way to cire whatever poisoin you got. I just need to examine you.

Pico: ok

GF: it may take a bit longer because I dont want to hurt you

Pico: I'll be fine, just do what you need to do...

GF: alright, keith can you make some lunch while I do this with Pico

Keith: Ok baby...

《Time Skip 1hour》

GF: *sigh* ok Pico I have some good news and some bad news...

Pico: ok?

GF: The good news is I know how to cure you

Pico: YES!!!

GF:  The bad news is it we have to journey half the country to get what I need

Pico: NO!!

GF: but dont worry, I can teleport there to get it...

Pico: but I thought you said you were too young to learn how to teleport

GF: I am, but Im not the one who is gonna be teleporting.

Pico: umm ok?

GF: but before I go, I need to tell BF something


Keith from a distance: YEAH!!!


Keith: KK!!

I few seconds later, Keith came back into the room.

GF: So Im gonna be out to get the antidote alright?

Keith: ok

GF: so you're in charge of taking care of Pico


GF: but this is very important for you to see those purple puffs on his cheeks

Keith: yeah?

GF: everytime his cheeks get darker with purple, he might faint so look out for that...

Keith: ok GF

GF: alright im off...


I dont really need to pack anything cause y'know...Im a demon. So know I just need to teleport to the Sajitarian swamp, and I know just who to help.
I dialed the number on my phone and called the person.

[On the Call]


DD: What is it Deary

GF: I got bit by a Solarian Snake...can you teleport me to the Sajitarian swamp so I can get the Antidote...

DD: OH MY, RIGHT A WAY DEAR * claps his hands*

And like that, a portal opened and I jump through. The next thing I knew is that I was in the Sajitarian swamp.

GF: thanks Daddy

DD: you're welcome my daughter, see you soon....

[End of Call]

I feel bad for lying to my dad, but if I told him the truth he wouldnt even bother to help. So you're probablu wondering why the antidote is in a yucky, muddy, stinky swamp. Well the poisoin that was used on Pico was acctually Venom from the Solarian Snake, very rare too. I dont know how that girl got ahold of some, but anyways the only way to cure it is from the petals of the "Glosary flower". I should be able to find it.

《6 hours later (in spongebob voice)》

I found it....

On one of the trees. I went over to go grab it, when I felt a rumble fron under my feet. I quickly jumped backwards when a giant mud worm came out of the ground where I was previously standing. The only way Im getting to that flower, is if I defeat the mud worm which gaurds it. I transformed into my demon form. Glowing red eyes, and purple skin. I grew wings and flew to the height level of the monster. I remember my mom saying she fought one of these before when her brother got bit by a Solarian Snake, and she said the only thing that can defeat a mud worm is an attck to its eyeball on it forehead. After a fee fireballs to the face, the beast finally fell.
I reached for the flower on the top of the tree and it was Beautiful. It glowed in the sunlight, and smelt like different kinds of flowers combined into one beautiful peice.

I stuffed the flower in the tiny bag that I brought with me. And walked back to the portal my dad left open for me to go home.

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