Save me...

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《2 weeks after the school shooting》

Keith: Pico, are you ok?

Pico: *hic* n-no...*snif*

Keith: its going to be alright, its over...

Pico: NO!! e-everyone a cared about...*snif* m-my friends *hic* my t-teachers *snif* ...Nene...D-Darnell *hic* THEY'RE A-ALLL GONE!!! *bawls*

Keith: its ok still have me *holds Pico tight*

Pico: K-Keith?

Keith: yeah

Pico: Promise that you wont leave m-me like them...p-please

Keith: Pico, but eventually I would...

Pico: p-please? *snif*

Keith: *sigh* ok, I'll try...


I arrived back at our house, and I headed inside. And somehow the first thing I see is Pico passed out on the ground. I kneeled down next to him and gentle shook him to wake him up.

GF: Pico?....Pico

Pico: *cough* *cough* GF?

GF: Pico, where's Keith? He's suppose to be looking after you

Pico: s-square *cough* ...fighting C-Cass...alone *cough* danger....

GF: WHAT!? NO!! Ugh, BF 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

GF: dont worry, I'll help him...but first I need to make the antidote....

I helped Pico from off the ground and onto the couch, and went into the kitchen to make the antidote. Keith and Pico always asked why there was a culdron in the kitchen, well now I get to finally use it. I put the culdron on the table and put boiling hot water into it.

GF: lets see, frog legs, fish scale, lizard eye...Aaaaaand some cinammon.

Pico: I dont like the sound of those ingredients you're putting in...especially the cinammon....

GF: seriously, you're not conserned about frog legs and lizard eye?

Pico: who cares, you put Cinammon in it, ewwwwww

GF: whatever 🙄🙄

And the final touch, the glosary flower. I put it in the potion and it formed a bright blue and purple swirl, It was beautiful. I poured the antidote into a bottle and went back to the living room.

~Pico POV~

GF came back with the poition, finally. I felt like I was slowly dieing here. Anyways I took it from her and I drank it all quick.

Pico: ehhhhhh, you know you could of skipped the cinammon part right?

GF: whatever, are you feeling any better

Pico: Sort of...

I did start to feel a bit better than before, I could stand finally but my legs still felt a bit weak and I was a bit shakey.

GF: hmm, maybe you need some more rest and wait for the effects to kick in.

Pico: What!? But what about Keith

GF: he'll be ok... I'll go help him

Pico: but what about me?

GF: you are staying until the potion takes full effect....

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