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~Keith POV~

I was in my room scrolling throw some "ChatSnaps" of me and my Girlfriend, when I heard movement coming from the hallway. I looked outside my room and saw Pico walking down the hallway with his bed sheet wrapped around him. He was leaning against the wall and heading for dowstairs. I quickly went over and stopped him.

Keith: Pico?

Pico: *cough* *cough* huh?

Keith: where are you going?

Pico: Im hungry, I j-just wanted to get a snack

Keith: oh right, I forgot I made lunch for us earlier...c'mon

I took one of Pico's arms and put it around my neck. Pico seems really tired so I moved as slowly as I could. We got downstairs and I set him down on the couch to go get the lunch. I made some soup for us so I used a spoon and took some of the soup and gave it to Pico.
The thing is...Pico wasnt even holding the bowl properly, it kept shakeing in his hands. That poisoin must of made him weaker than I thought.

Keith: Uhmm Pico?

Pico: yeah?

Keith: is there an earthquake going on in your hands

Pico: ha ha *cough* very funny

Keith: Im serious Pico, here lemme help you...

I took the soup bowl from Pico and put it on the table infront of us.

Pico: I dont need your help, I know how to eat soup...

Keith: Pico, I understand that poisoin made you weaker, you have to let me help you

Pico: doesnt matter if it made me weaker, IM FINE!!!

Then Pico just jumped up from the couch.

Pico: SEE Im fine...totally...fi-

His cheeks started getting darker purple like GF said. Pico fainted, so I quickly got up and caught Pico. I put him back on the couch and covered him with the blanket. Is it me, of is he makeing this worse for himself by pushing himself too hard. Well, thats Pico for ya....He is so difficult sometimes.

~Pico POV~

I woke up shortly after a fainted and saw BF next to me.

Keith: Pico? How do ya feel?

Pico: I....*cough*I dont know anymore

Keith: c'mon Pico I cant let you go on like this until GF comes back, which who knows how long...

Pico: *sigh* fine...

Keith: Right, so now instead of giving you the soup to eat, Im gonna feed it to you

Pico: UGH, seriously?

Keith: yes

Pico: fine.

I seriously cant beleive Im letting someone do this to me. This so embarrassing!

BF kept taking spoonfuls of soup and feeding me like I child. This day seriously cant get any worse.


TV: BREAKING NEWS- A strange girl is fireing gunshots in town square and seems to be immune to any type of weapon our local police officers can dish out.

       Cass on TV: HA TAKE THAT YOU MISSERABLE MORTALS!!!! COME OUT PICO!!! Or are you too sick to even leave your own bed.

Keith: uh oh


Keith: look im sorry, but this isnt really a good time to argue Pico

Pico: so what do we do?

Keith: You need rest, I am going to stop her

Keith got up and grabbed his mic from the kitchen counter while I follow him around yelling at him why that is the worst idea EVER!!

Pico: Keith you cant do that...

Keith: and why not

Pico: this isnt something you can settle with a rap battle Keith, this is something way bigger that winning your girlfriend from her Stupid Dad.

Keith: I rap battled her to save you




Keith: wha-...rescue...me?

Pico: what if something happens, what is she captures you or even worse. You already know what she's caused ever since we were just kids. I know im not able to even walk good by myself and GF isnt gonna be home for now.

Keith: Pico..I-..

Pico: Look BF, I love you and I dont want you dieing trying to fix a mess that I caused....

Keith: Pico, its ok...I'll be fine. I love you too But I cant put you in harms way, not while you're like this.

Keith then went to the door and grabbed his hat from the hat rack.

Pico: keith....PLEASE!!

Keith: Im sorry Pico...

He left and closed the door of the house. I started getting light headed again, and fell to the floor.

I have to...

..I have...

...to help...

...I cant just let him die...


Then I blacked out.

~Keith POV~

I ran as fast as my tiny legs could carry me to towns square. When I got there...it was terrible. People running and screaming, buildings and trees on fire, gunshots being heard from every corner and dead bodies and the blood of innocent by-standers around every corner. Its almost like what happened all those years ago. And with the same person standing right in the middle of it all.


Then all the gunshots stopped. As I saw a figure rise from the flames of the fire.

Cassandra: well, back for more blue hair....

Keith: Stop terrorising these people...what did they ever do to you

Cassandra: Humanity has lost its charm...its corrupt...rottened, and now Im here to take out the trash.

She pointed her snipper at me and had her finger on the trigger, ready to fire.

Keith: STOP!! If you want to destroy humanity, then you have to beat me in a rap battle first

Cassandra: UGHH, again!?

Keith: yes again...unless you're too chicken to handle it

Cassandra: ....GRRRRRRRRRR....fine, one last time before I pulverise you...

[Inser rap battle or whatever]

《 7 minutes later》

I won...I DID IT...I SAVED THE WORLD!! I was so happy I beat Cassandra...until I was suddenly grabbed by the neck. I looked infront of me and saw a tenticle holding me in the air. Cassandra was turned into her monster form, and stared me in the eyes as I begged for air.

Keith: b-but *gasp* ...I beat y-you *gasp*...y-you said you would s-top *gasp*

Cassandra: oh, blue hair. You thought I was serious. That I would deside to go by my word in a rap battle, THE ONE THING YOU COULD BEST ME In.

Then she used the tenticles and threw me into one of the buildings. I fell to the ground, the rubble fell ontop of me. My ears were ringing, and my vision was disorrianted. I could see Cassandra walking up to me with her gun pointed at me...the last thing I heare her say before passed out was....

...Pathetic blue boi....

Then I heard a gun shot....

....And I was out...

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