нave тo мove on - wнoever yoυ ιмagιne

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hi guys! it's your favorite author back again! how are y'all going? hopefully you're doing good.

y'all! we have 311k reads! oh my lord!! i love you all so much!! *mauh mauh*
and 199 followers! i freakin love you all! your gonna make me die from all the love!! <33

i'm gonna try to be updating as much as i can but, school is kicking my ass.. again. i have 8 classes and it's just a whole mess. i like this guy but he ended up getting a girlfriend so that hurt. we have homecoming coming up in 3 weeks and i have no idea what i'm wearing and who i'm going with. i have no friends or boyfriend (or girlfriend ;)) so i need to figure things out fast.

anywaysss.. enough about me and my issues,
i might start another book with just random imagines or one shots or whatever you wanna call them, with random celebrities and their characters. i'm not too sure though.

okay okay, enough of this long rant, let's move onto the page!

warnings: heartache and trying to move on
(i gotta make y'all sad, sorry not sorry)

*your pov*

"i have to move on.

it's not healthy for me to still be waiting for you to come

you'll never come back no matter how much i beg and plead,
no matter how many times i call and text.

you'll never pick up, you'll never notice me again.

it's hard to move on from you.

you were my everything and now, now you're not.

we had everything we wanted but, you choose to leave.

and i can't be mad at you for that, it was your choice.

i just hope, you'll find someone that'll love you more than i ever could.

i just hope you have a happier time wherever you are.

just know, i'll be waiting.

no matter how far, how long,

no matter what, i'll be waiting for your return.

i love you, more than you could ever know."

i stand up from the headstone and wipe my tears, "see you in another time."

i get in my car and drive out of the cemetery knowing i can't be back without lying next to them.

hope y'all have an amazing day! love you all!! <3

𝖉𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖒 𝖘𝖒𝖕 𝖎𝖒𝖆𝖌𝖎𝖓𝖊𝖘Where stories live. Discover now