Getting Back to Reality

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I wake up with Bellamy's arm wrapped around my waist my head right under his chin. His breath cuts short for a second signaling that he is awake. "Morning." He shifts his chin a bit "morning" I pull back enough to look up at him "I didn't have nightmares, how did you know that would work?" He gives me a small smile "It always worked for Octavia." I roll away slightly running a few fingers through my hair "Octavia is really lucky have a you as a brother." He rests his head on the palm of his hand "Thanks I do my best, as you already know she's quite a handful." I smile sitting up rubbing the rest of the sleep out of my eyes. "Yeah so i've noticed." He gives a small laugh running his fingers through his hair. "We should start heading back." My eyes wander the drop ship what I wouldn't give for those first few weeks on the ground back. Bellamy seems to be reading my mind "time to get back to reality Clarke." I stand running a few more fingers through my hair trying to comb it out. "I wish we could stay here have it like it was before. I mean we were doing so good on our own." I hear him sigh "yeah we were for that short period of time. Plus being the leader was pretty fun." I give a small laugh crossing my arms across my chest. "Ready to get back to reality Clarke?" I shake my head looking back at him "no. can't we stay here one more night? I'm not exactly ready to face my mom yet." He gives out a long sigh "staying here isn't going to help our friends in Mount Weather." I bite the inside of my cheek knowing that he is right. "alright." He swings his bag over his shoulder waiting for me to do the same. "If we head out now we will get there right around lunch time." He nods to my bag that's still at me feet silently telling me to hurry up. Once we are out of the dropship he doesn't hesitate for a second and heads to the woods. He is walking at a fast pace which means I have to break into a slight jog to catch up with him. "Jeeze Bell slow down would you." He stops suddenly making me run right into him. "what." I scan the trees to find what has got him on edge "nothing, it's just that you called me Bell." Damn it. I suddenly feel my cheeks get warmer and I know I'm blushing. "Ah did I?" I turn slightly hoping that he won't see me blushing but I know he does. "Yeah ah, Don't worry about it." He adjusts the bag on his shoulder then proceeds walking. Why did I call him Bell? The only people who call him that is Octavia. I mentally kick myself and follow close behind Bellamy.

We have been walking for hours and my legs are killing me. We only stopped once and that was for breakfast which was two hours ago. I don't get why Bellamy is in such a hurry, I want to get our people out of Mount Weather as much as he does but I least I can stop and take a breath. I grab at my stomach that has been growling for that past half-hour. Bellamy is a few feet ahead of me with no means of slowing down what so ever. "Bellamy." He stops looking back at me "we've been walking for hours and I am starving." He looks back towards Camp Jaha "we don't have that much further to go." I roll my eyes hoping he won't see "well you can go on ahead then." I slump against the nearest tree which feels like heaven on my feet. I pull out my water bottle and bag of nuts hearing Bellamy move to join me. "fine we'll rest for a few minutes." I take a few large gulps of water feeling his eyes on me as I do so. "why are you in such a hurry anyway?" He shrugs "I'm not." right. I don't bother pushing any further since I know his answer will still be the same. My feet are starting to throb which means it will be a pain when I get up. I can tell Bellamy is getting impatient by the way he keeps glancing towards camp. "you know you can head back to camp." He glances at me for a second "l'm not going to leave you out here alone." I lean my head against the tree, of course you're not. "Well unless you are willing to carry me i'm not moving for a while." He looks back towards camp clearly pondering the thought then turns back to me "I guess we are staying here a while." He scans the trees for anything out of the ordinary putting his arms behind his head. I take off my boots massaging my feet which eases the ache. "Do you think we made the right decision?" I turn to see Bellamy staring up at the sky deep in thought "about trusting the grounders." 

"I'm not sure but what other choice do we have." he gives a small shrug turning back to me with a sigh "you ready to go Princess." I give a small wince at my nickname from when we first came to the ground. I then think of Finn and how it was the last thing he said to me. I shrug off the feeling putting my boot back on. "sure thing." Bellamy jumps to his feet helping me up in the process "alright then lead the way." I brush past him my feet still aching but not as bad as they were before. We are not too far from camp and I am dreading every step closer we get to it. "You ok?" I didn't notice that Bellamy had caught up to me and is giving me a slight worried look. I could lie and tell him i'm fine but he knows me too well so might as well tell him the truth. "No. I'm actually feeling pretty crappy."

"It gets better just takes time." I guess he would know how it feels but then again Jaha is actually alive. Bellamy seems to read my thoughts and stops suddenly "I know me shooting Jaha and you killing Finn are two very different things but I still feel guilty and not just about Jaha but for Wells too." I never knew he felt that way I guess I never thought about what happened to Wells and how Bellamy felt about it. "I'm sorry Bellamy." I suddenly get an ache in my chest that seems like a hundred times worse then the aches on my feet. I remember this feeling it felt like this when I saw my dad get floated, when I buried Wells and when Finn whispered his last few words to me. It was like a forgot how to breathe as I start gasping for air. Then I feel it, Bellmay's warm embrace holding me close. I press my face into his chest feeling the air come back to my lungs. I wrap my arms tighter around him as if someone will rip him from my grasp at any minute. I think back to when I got back from Mount Weather and I saw him saw that he was ok and wrapped my arms around his neck. He pulls back slowly looking down at me "It will be ok Clarke, I promise." He  pulls back fully wiping away a few tears that had starting running down my cheek. I give him a small smile "thanks Bellamy." He nods walking a few steps ahead of me. Time to get back to reality I say to myself moving to catch up with him. 

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