Part 1 - The New Partizan

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To Her Royal Highness, Princess Katherine of Maradova.
I just wanted to wish you a Happy birthday; I know that we celebrated days ago to allow your sister's Portman to take her place on your actual birthday, but it seemed wrong to give you nothing today.
After the past few months I feel that we've grown closer, even though I'm not sure if this can make up for the years I should have been protecting you; I hope you can forgive me for that.
Maradova is thriving, and so is it's Royal family.
Too many mistakes happened last year, and I wasn't there to help; this year will be different.
Realizing Jamie didn't like me wasn't too hard - he's been avoiding me, we've barely said a word since I moved into the palace.
After all he's been through with you and Ellie, I'm not surprised he's finding it hard to adjust; just please let him know I think we could be good friends.
Partizans are meant to stay with their family for three years before they are fully qualified; I hope you can forgive that I am already a fully qualified Partizan, and that I'm here because of the recent threats of Leviathan.
People around the palace are already starting to talk, I've heard them.
Everyone knows Leviathan is targeting your sister, and maybe even you, but I have my training.
Don't ever think I won't protect you.
Happy birthday, Princess.

Kate read over Aric's letter a few times. There was something strange about the wording she couldn't quite put her finger on. The letter had arrived on top of a small box wrapped in silver paper outside her door late in the evening. She opened it to see a gorgeous transparent ring, encrusted at the sides with tiny jewels. They could have been diamond, but she didn't care.

They just finished celebrating Lottie's birthday, although it was actually Kate and Ellie's birthday. After an extravagant ball held in Lottie's name in honor of her official debut into society, they'd celebrated with a banquet, where some gifts were also exchanged.

One gift was that between Ellie to Lottie: a wolf pendant, symbolizing how she was a part of the pack.

Now, as they flew back to Rosewood for the new term, Kate could see Lottie fidgeting with it around her neck, constantly looking down at it as if to check that it was still there.

Kate twirled her ring around on her finger, the silence of the plane too awkward.

Jamie had sat at the front, as far away from them all as possible; Lottie and Ellie across the aisle from Kate, who had her feet up across top seats, and Aric who was sat on the seat opposite her.

"Um," Lottie eventually said, breaking the deafening silence. Jamie's ears pricked up. "Me and Ellie were wondering if we could make a stop on the way to Rosewood."

"What sort of stop?" Jamie asked sternly.

"In Cornwall. To see my friend Ollie."

"Is that it? Just to see him?"

"Well, Ellie promised that after the ball, I could tell him about me being a Portman."

"No." Jamie replied bluntly, which caused Ellie to protest.

"But Jamie! I did promise her..."

"And it wasn't a promise you should have made." Jamie said, and it seemed Lottie didn't want to protest further, silencing Ellie when she tried to argue.

Kate glanced across at Aric, who was reading a book in a different language. She subtly went and sat next to him, trying to make out what the book was about. He laughed and put the book down. "What are you doing?" He smirked.

"Just trying to take an interest. You looked lonely."

"Do you have book clubs when you read or something? Most people read by themselves, Kate." He smiled.

"I know that." She paused. "Jamie does too. You should talk to him about books. He's always reading."

"He hates me."

"He doesn't hate you-" she stopped short as Jamie came down the plane aisle and cleared his throat.

"Ellie has convinced me to make a stop in Cornwall for Lottie. Will you come or go straight to Rosewood?" He said monotonously.

"I don't know. Shall we go straight to Rosewood, Aric?" She said, using it as an excuse to make them talk.

"Err, yes, yes I suppose so." He said nervously.

All of Aric's charm and confidence seemed to vanish when he spoke to Jamie. Probably because there was some sort of tension in the air when they were together. Jamie didn't like him; anyone could tell.

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