Part 7 - The Bonfire

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Kate's POV (3rd Person)

The flames burnt through the black night sky as sparks danced through the cold breeze that had meant they all wrapped up tightly in winter clothes, despite it only being the start of November.

The bonfire crackled as the students gathered around, the first lot getting the best view at the very front, but the flames were visible from dozens of yards away.

The group made their way down to the field where the fireworks and bonfire were being held, the same place as the welcoming took place at the start of the year.

"What do you even do at a fireworks show?" Aric was asking, making Kate smile at how he knew so much about so many things being a Partizan, but was stumped at a fireworks show.

"Well, you watch fireworks, and light sparklers and watch the bonfire and stuff. It's fun." She replied. "Although, I guess they don't do it in Maradova."

"And I've never been out of Maradova before now." He replied.


"No. I did all my Partizan training there. Been doing it since I was a child, so there was never much time to..."

"To do anything you chose to do." Jamie finished quietly, and the four of them looked at him as he gazed at the ground before seeming to remember himself and looked up, alert.

Kate had thought there wouldn't be one thing Jamie would admit to having in common with Aric, but maybe they were finally starting to get along, bonding through a mutual occupation which they both loved and loathed at the same time. But then again, Kate knew Jamie hated Aric, as much as he tried to deny it.

"Wow well this is getting depressing." Ellie sighed. "Let's get some sparklers." She said, rummaging in her pockets for some change before making her way to a small stall that the prefects had set up selling food and drink and other bonfire night related things.

Kate and Aric lay down a picnic blanket on the grass which they sat down on and had a good view of the sky for when the fireworks started.

"Are you excited?" Kate asked Aric as Ellie returned with a bunch of unlit sparklers in her hand.

"Sure. I suppose." He replied, gazing up at the sky as if waiting for something to happen.

Kate glanced over at Ellie. "Ellie, please tell me you bought something to eat, I'm starving."

She shrugged. "Sorry, ran out of money."

"Really Ellie? You spent it on sparklers?" Jamie said skeptically.

She threw her hands up in annoyance. "Sorry, won't bother next time." She muttered, sitting down on the picnic blanket.

"I've got a bar of chocolate if you want that." Aric said, rummaging in one of his pockets and pulling out a Tompkin's bar of milk chocolate.

"Thanks." Kate said, ripping off the wrapper and taking a bite.

At that minute, the fireworks started, making them all jump as the first one sent out a loud boom into the air.

Aric seemed mersmerized and Kate was trying to enjoy it, but the banging was making her ears ring.

"Are you okay?" Raphael asked her, seeming to notice her shift in her seat uncomfortably.

"I'm fine." Kate replied. She watched for a little bit longer, praying that the fireworks would end, but then she felt the headache growing stronger and flaring up behind her eyes.

"Actually, I'll be back in a second. Don't worry." She muttered, getting up and heading towards the exit of the field; she needed to just get away from the fireworks, then she'd be fine. She knew it.

But once the sound of the fireworks were in the distance she still didn't feel any better. Leaning against the fence to regain her balance, she heard a voice behind her: Raphael.

"You okay?" He said, but she didn't have time to respond as she blacked out.

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