Chapter 2 - A Proposition

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Yunmei awoke to the sound of tea being poured into a cup. Panicking, she sat up and looked around at her unfamiliar surroundings, the expensive furnishings, the luxurious bedding. As the realisation dawned on her that she was at the Qing Palace, she calmed down, enough to properly inspect her room for the first time. 

In the adjoining living room, a young maid was unpacking food on the dining table. At the sound of Yunmei stepping towards the table, she looked up and immediately curtsied deeply, with her head tilted down. "Your highness. The Emperor thought you might be hungry, so I've brought some food and tea for you."

 Yunmei observed the young girl, who was about eighteen, and remarkably beautiful, her brown eyes open and kind. Yunmei knew that for her, that kind of beauty must have been more of a curse than a blessing, especially at the palace. Deciding it wouldn't do anyone any good to take out her frustrations on a young maid, Yunmei sat down at the table. 

"I am rather hungry," she said. "Thank you."

The girl blushed, before placing the food onto a plate for Yunmei. 

"What's your name?" Yunmei asked.

"My name is Meilin, your highness." 

"Meilin, what happened here? What happened to the late Emperor?" 

Meilin grew tense at the mention of the old Qing Emperor. 

"He had a heart attack, at the end of the last battle." 

Yunmei reeled at the news. No one at home was aware of this. Her brother had no idea. The news could change everything. 

"And the new Emperor?" Yunmei prompted. 

"He was the Crown Prince." 

Yunmei couldn't believe what she was hearing. So the man she had met previously was the famous Prince Wuyi, now Emperor. So why had he brought her here? What was his plan? All she knew was that she had to get the message to her brother immediately, somehow. 

As she sipped at her hot tea, relishing in its warmth against the harsh winter cold, she asked, "What is Emperor Wuyi like?" 

Hearing the worry in Yunmei's voice, Meilin's eyes seemed to soften as she packed away the dirty plates and dishes. 

"He's nothing like his father, your highness," she said, and her voice held a dark pain, an honesty that told Yunmei she was speaking from experience. "I don't know why he's brought you here. But he's a fair man. He just wants what's good for his people," she said. 

Yunmei nodded. The old Emperor had been known for being a ruthless and cruel ruler, a leader who viewed his subordinates as disposable, even inhuman at times. He attacked the Song empire mercilessly, despite attempts from her brother to find peace between the two nations.

Before she could respond, the door slid open, and Emperor Wuyi stepped in. His domineering presence seemed to own the space in the room. He leaned against the doorframe casually, elegant in the way he held himself, almost charming. But Yunmei pulled up her defenses. Wuyi was known for having a strategic mind, whipsmart intellect. The nonchalance with which he seemed to carry himself was a farce, a front. She could tell from his eyes. Those piercing brown eyes were calculating and judging. He saw everything. 

At the sight of him, Meilin bowed deeply before excusing herself, leaving Yunmei alone with him. 

"Are you well-rested?" Was the first thing the young Emperor said. Yunmei didn't bother getting up from her seat, didn't curtsy or do any of the normal things she should have done. He wasn't her Emperor. He was her captor. 

"Yes, thank you," she replied politely, though her voice was cold. 

"I thought you might appreciate it if we just cut to the chase," he said, taking the seat opposite hers. His eyes met hers as he sat down, and she shivered, from the cold or from anxiousness she wasn't sure. 

"You're correct. Why am I here?" She asked. 

 Wuyi observed her for a moment, the same way he did when she first entered the palace. What was he thinking when he did that? 

"I want us to marry." 

Before Yunmei could open her mouth to interrupt, Wuyi continued, never taking his eyes off her. 

"Think about it. Think about what it would do for our nations. We have been warring for years -"

"Yes, because of your father," Yunmei interjected harshly. Wuyi paused. 

"You're right. My father made many mistakes as Emperor, mistakes which I intend to correct. The first thing is an alliance in the form of our marriage," he finished. 

Yunmei stared at him, trying to detect insincerity, trying to figure him out. 

"You chose an odd way to forge an alliance," she said, crossing her arms. 

Wuyi's mouth twitched. "Yes, sorry about the kidnapping," he said, though he didn't sound sorry at all. "I knew that if I proposed an alliance to your brother there was no way he would listen. There's too much bad blood. I needed you here. To hear me out in person. To see the palace and people for yourself. To know that we're not all the monsters you think of us to be." 

Yunmei thought of Meilin, the cloak from the soldier, the man before her. 

"I need time to think," she said, getting up, needing space away from him. She felt overwhelmed. Everything had changed so quickly. 

"Of course," Wuyi said, and there was a whisper of gentleness in his tone. "But just remember, the longer you wait, the longer our nations are at war." The last part sounded more like a threat. 

Then he slipped out of the room, leaving Yunmei alone with her thoughts. 

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