Chapter 4 - The Deal

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Yunmei decided to take a walk in the chilly morning, wanting to clear her head. She trudged through the snow-covered paths, making her way through the unfamiliar palace. She liked to observe her surroundings, watch the maids flitting through the palace grounds, tending to the wilting gardens. She liked to watch the noble children play in the snow. Unaware of her watchful eyes, they threw snowballs and chased after each other, giggling loudly. They left deep imprints into the snow; sunken powder. It was hard to believe that she wasn't at home, that she stood on enemy grounds.

"You don't have to walk behind me you know," she said, calling to the soldier who had once been her captor but was now her guard. Zimo stayed exactly 10 paces behind her, a silent shadow, but everpresent.

"I wouldn't want to disturb you, your highness," Zimo replied. Yunmei rolled her eyes but kept walking. She wasn't sure if Zimo was there to protect her, or if he was her glorified prison guard, ordered to ensure she didn't run away. Either way, he never bothered her, and she even enjoyed his constant company in a land that was so new to her.

In the distance, she noticed a tall figure moving towards her. Squinting, she realised it was Emperor Wuyi, strangely without a harem of maids or any guards. His strides were long, but he walked at a casual, almost glacial pace. His white robe blew behind him in the icy breeze, melding into his surroundings. His ebony hair was shock against the icy backdrop. Stoic, beautiful, untouchable, Yunmei was momentarily stunned.

As he neared her, his dark eyes watched her, making her feel exposed. She shivered. What was he thinking when he watched her like that?

When he reached her, he opened up his umbrella and stood far too close. Before Yunmei could object, her arm was in the crook of his and they walked together, huddled underneath his umbrella, protected from the falling snow. She tried not to relish in his heat, the warmth which spread from her arm to the rest of her body, but instinctively she inched closer towards him.

"You'll catch a cold," he said as if that was explanation enough.

"Thank you," she replied.

They walked in silence, making a loop through the gardens, full of winter blossoms, blushing pink. For a moment, Yunmei could imagine that they were entirely different people, old friends, old lovers, taking a stroll.

"I've made a decision," she finally said, breaking the silence. They continued walking, casually, as if they weren't discussing a plan that could change both their nations.

"Oh?" Emperor Wuyi replied. She looked up at him, but he looked straight ahead. There was no indication that he cared, aside from the subtle clenching of his jaw.

Yunmei breathed out. Then sucked in a gulp of the chilly air.

"I'll marry you," she replied.

Emperor Wuyi stopped walking. He turned to face her, eyes searching her face, her eyes. There was surprise and relief on his face.

"Thank you," he said, and finally through his nonchalant mask, Yunmei could see how much the Emperor before her cared for his country, for his people.

"Thank you," he repeated.

Yunmei looked away, breaking eye contact.

"I'm doing it for my people," she said.

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