Chapter 3 - A Message for an Assassin

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Yunmei couldn't sleep. She stared up at the ceiling thinking about the Emperor's words, her country, and her brother, Xiaolong. 

The Song and Qing Empires had been at war for as long as she could remember. Despite growing up in the palace, she was not naive about the war outside her gilded home. One time, she had snuck out of her room with Xiaolong at the end of a particularly hard battle, had seen the injured being transported into the palace to the infirmary. It was the first time she had seen death. She still couldn't forget the haunted look on Xiaolong's face as they watched body after body being carried into the hospital. He was only twelve, and she had been ten. But his future seemed to hover over him like a curse after that day. 

Her people were weary. She could feel it. When she visited the villages dressed as a commoner, she could see that weariness in the mothers waiting outside their storefronts, in the fatherless children, their hopeless expressions. She had always felt helpless. But wasn't this her chance to finally do something? 

The sound of yelling interrupted her thoughts. She rushed to her window and saw soldiers fighting in the distance, fires lit, guards outside her door. 

"Your highness." 

Yunmei gasped and whipped around at the voice, holding a hand over her heart. It was Xiaolong's assassin, a masked figure fully clothed in black. 

"Your brother sent us. General Lang is outside creating a distraction. I can help you escape, let's go."

But Yunmei stepped back, out of the assassin's grasp. She clenched her fists, thinking quickly. God, what was she doing? 

"I'm not going with you." She rushed to the table beside her bed where Meilin had left her parchment and ink. She hurriedly scribbled down a message for her brother, trying to explain the situation in as few words as possible. Outside, a loud crash sounded, followed by more yells. 

"Princess, are you alright?" It was the soldier who had brought her to the palace. She recognised his voice. 

"I'm fine," she called, hoping her voice sounded normal, as she stuffed the message into the assassin's hand. 

"Bring this message to the Emperor," she said softly, meeting the assassin's eyes. 

"No. I was ordered to bring you back home." 

Yunmei sighed. She gripped the assassin's hand, the one that held her letter. 

"I know who you are, Jia." 

The assassin's eyes widened in panic. Yunmei tightened her hand around Jia's, her eyes imploring. 

"You have been more loyal to my brother than perhaps anyone else. Please. Help him. Help our people."

Jia stared at her hard for a moment. Her eyes were searching. Yunmei didn't know much about the assassin but she knew enough, she knew that she cared deeply for her brother. 

Mutual respect passed between them. An acknowledgment. 

Finally, Jia nodded. Yunmei released her hand. 

"Good luck, your highness," she said. 

"Good luck, Jia." 

With that, the assassin leaped out of the window before disappearing into the night unoticed. 

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