Chapter 1

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Eight months later.

"FOR FECK'S SAKE!" Jim shouted as he punched a wall out of frustration, but only ended up hurting himself as it was not drywall. Turg stood at the other end of the room to give Jim some space to let his frustration out. Jim was wearing his main look, which Turg noticed he wore a lot so it must be comfortable. Meanwhile Turg was in his underwear but was still wearing the crescent moon necklace his father gave him. Turg was a turg with long light grey hair, a medium length beard, white pale skin and a unique-to-humans facial structure. His nose was slightly above his eyes and he had 12 dots that floated around him below his eyes, six on each side, and one where his nose would be if he were human. Turg often wore red lipstick and pink blush, he liked doing his own makeup.
"I PAID THEM WHAT I OWE AND THEY JUST DECIDE THEY WANT MORE?! I WAS RIGHT ABOUT THEM ONLY BEING MOTIVATED BY MONEY!" Jim continued to shout. Turg didn't understand what was going on, but whatever it was, it was making Jim very stressed and Turg hated seeing Jim like that. Jim then went over to the counter and put his head down in his arms and said "We're already struggling as is, which is unfair considering we're the reason why this place is alive again."
"But Jim caused doomsday." Turg pointed out. Jim lifted his head back up only to look at Turg and tell him "Yeah, and right now I wish you didn't undo it. If I knew this is how we were gonna be treated in this 'new world' I would've just accepted my fate and let Grim take me into the afterlife."
Turg found what Jim said to be a bit harsh, but Turg decided to disregard it as Jim just saying things he doesn't really mean because he's upset.
"'Welcome to the new world' I said, thinking that things would be better." Jim then said as he went back over to the wall and hit it again, but softer this time. Things weren't all that bad for them. They had upgraded their home to have a glass sliding door, more windows and furniture, electricity, running water, an outdoor garden and another floor that led out onto a patio. They converted the empty neighbouring container that was connected into an exercise room that Jim mainly used. They still had the car as well, but Jim rarely used it and Turg never really left the house. Jim did get a job, but he never told Turg what he does, though Turg knew that it was making him unhappy.
"Turg knows Jim is trying." Turg said to Jim in an attempt to comfort him, though he still remained across the room from Jim.
"Well I am not trying hard enough it seems." Jim responded as he stood back from the wall. Turg didn't know what else to say, he just wanted Jim to feel better. Turg decided to come closer to Jim and open his arms, Jim knew what it meant. Jim went over to him and accepted the hug from Turg.
"I'm just so tired. I promise that one day we'll be out of this mess." Jim told Turg, which he had been telling Turg since the apocalypse but Turg knew that the current situation was only temporary. After all, nothing lasts forever.
"I know I keep saying that but I really do mean it, it's just taking longer than expected." Jim then added as Turg said "Turg knows. Turg just wants Jim to feel better."
"Well, you're helping by just listening to me complain about my shitty life." Jim told Turg again as he continued to let Turg hug him. Jim then continued "I've been alive for over three-hundred years, I've outlived generations and lived through two apocalypses as well as a pandemic. Granted, I caused those. Maybe I'm the problem."
Turg knew that Jim was a terrible person, but he still saw the good in him. He was the one who brought Turg back to life the first time, the second time it was Grim after he used all his energy to banish First Name back to wherever he came from. It was not the fall that killed Turg.
"But Jim fixed problem. So did Turg. Jim can still be good person." Turg responded to Jim, still trying to make him feel better. Jim then moved out of Turg's arms and started pacing around while saying "Yeah, every time I try to be one it just goes wrong, so I've given up."
Turg wanted to say something else but Jim continued with "Try to save some desert town from a mutant plant? Get killed. Try to raise my child for once? Child dies from his own stupidity. Try to quarantine everyone because of doomsday? Nobody believes me. Try to drive in more business for Grim? Ruin our marriage for several years."
"But Jim tried." Turg said in response. Jim stopped pacing around and looked at Turg to tell him "Yeah, tried. And failed."
Turg tried to think of something else to say, he started thinking about things that made him happy.
"Did Jim eat today?" Turg asked Jim. Jim smiled at him and replied "Is that your solution to everything?"
Turg waited for Jim to answer his question. Jim then sighed and answered Turg's question with "Fine, I didn't, I kinda just reached the point where my stomach said 'feck it, I don't even want it anymore' until now."
Turg gave Jim a concerned look as he then said "And there better be food here if you're asking me that."
There was, Turg didn't eat all of it this time. Jim went over to the fridge and took out two eggs while saying "This is literally all we have, besides cat food but I am not desperate enough to consider that."
"Has Jim tried it before?" Turg asked out of curiosity, he couldn't have been the only one.
"No, but I know for sure I've eaten worse." Jim answered as he then got out a pan and asked Turg "Have you?"
Turg didn't want to admit it, so he simply didn't answer. Jim then said "I am going to take that as a 'yes'. You're a weird guy, but I still love you."
"Turg is just Turg." Turg responded as Jim said again "And I am just Jim."
Jim then tried to make himself an omelet with only eggs but failed to flip it over, so he made scrambled eggs instead. He offered Turg some but Turg wanted Jim to have all of it. While Jim was eating it on the counter, Kitty came out and Turg picked her up. She had grown a lot since they adopted her, she was likely a kitten when they met. She was still the cute white and grey cat she always was though. Turg then placed her on the counter where she proceeded to steal some of Jim's food and run off.
"Asshole! You have your own food!" Jim exclaimed at Kitty as she ran off. Turg laughed as Jim then said "Whatever, she's a cat, all she knows is be cute and also be a little bitch sometimes."
"Kitty isn't mean to Turg." Turg said.
"Anyways, there is another thing I'd like to mention to you." Jim changed the subject as Turg waited for him to continue.
"So I decided just now to just stop paying that officer and instead invest my money into something that will get us out of this mess. I already paid what I owed and if they arrest me then I can just break out, which now that I think about it I probably should've just let them take me." Jim started explaining to Turg. Turg continued to remain silent to let Jim continue.
"Though if that happens you'll be sent away apparently and I won't allow that, based off of experience they'll probably draft you into military or something." Jim continued before quickly adding "But whatever, that's besides the point. What I'm saying is I want to buy a lot and start up a new business that does not involve several casualties."
"Does Jim have the money?" Turg asked as Jim started putting dishes in the sink with no intention of actually cleaning them.
"Not yet, but I have ways and that's where you come in." Jim responded. Turg tilted his head a little as Jim elaborated "Just like we did during the whole apocalypse thing, I want you to join me on my little adventures again, but only on days that I have off of course."
Turg didn't need to know what Jim had planned, he already agreed to it.
"Turg will help Jim." Turg said in response.
"Great! I promise it won't involve a lot of danger, or at least it shouldn't. We'll discuss this more tomorrow after I've slept because that's all I want right now." Jim told Turg as he then headed for the bedroom. Turg followed him, it was quite late and Turg only stayed up to wait for Jim to arrive home. He worked very late but he had the day off tomorrow, or at least he said he did.

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