Chapter 9

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It was later in the evening when Turg decided to go back upstairs to see what Jim was up to. Upon entry he could hear Jim lecturing someone.
"You're the only employee I pay and all you do is sit around and do nothing!" Jim told the employee, Turg could tell that he was frustrated. The employee didn't say anything, they were staring blankly at Jim and just accepting it. Jim then told them "Whatever, if that keeps up you are being replaced."
The employee then walked out the door and left without saying a word to Jim. Jim then turned to see Turg standing by the bookshelf and jumped a little, startled by the sudden appearance of another being.
"Oh, it's just you. Uh, how long have you been standing there for?" Jim asked as he smiled a bit.
"Turg just got here." Turg answered as Jim looked around the room rather nervously.
"Good, good. I just thought you were someone else." Jim then said as he wandered over to Turg. Turg was confused by that statement, nobody else in the town looked like Turg, except for maybe the Ace twins or Maxwell, though Turg recalled seeing another who looked oddly familiar.
"Anyways, you spent all day down there. You have fun?" Jim asked Turg, changing the subject before also asking "Also, did Fang join you guys? I didn't see him so I assume he went back to the other place."
"Only Emilee and Default were with Turg." Turg answered before adding "Turg wants to know Default better. Turg find Default interesting."
Jim gave Turg a rather surprised look and asked "You really think she's interesting?"
Turg nodded and replied "But Turg doesn't know if Default like Turg too."
Jim didn't know what else to say so instead he told Turg "Well, you can stay here if you want or go back to the other place."
"Turg want to take Default somewhere." Turg told Jim in response as he tried to walk away. Jim then stopped and asked "Like, out for dinner or something?"
Turg responded "Like we do."
"If that's what you want to do then sure. Don't spend too much and be back before midnight." Jim told Turg as he gave Turg his wallet. Jim trusted Turg with it. Jim then headed out the door and said before leaving "I'm at the place on the docks if you need me."
Turg went back downstairs, or down-ladder in this case, to go get Default. She agreed to go with Turg, she had nothing else going on so might as well. How bad could it possibly be?
It started off with them not knowing where to go as they both were fine with wherever. Eventually Default agreed on a place not too far from where they were, so they went there. The place was island themed and had dimmed lights, which was good for Turg. They were also sat at a long table with everyone else, which Turg didn't find weird and Default was indifferent, as always. Not really knowing what to do, Turg started doodling on a placemat with crayons he found while Default watched. Turg doodled some cats that somewhat resembled Kitty, Chatty and the yet-to-be-named kittens.
"I see you can draw too." Default observed as Turg suddenly stopped and looked at her. He responded with "Yes. Turg draw."
"You like cats?" Default asked Turg, who put his hands to his chest and was only looking at his drawing.
"Yes. Turg like cats. Does Default like cats?" Turg asked in response, trying to start a conversation. Default answered with "I am indifferent towards cats."
Turg didn't know what else to say, that was her response to everything whenever Turg asked if she liked something. Eventually he came up with something to say.
"Turg has cats. Turg can show Default the cats." Turg offered as Default replied "Okay."
Turg took that as a 'yes'. Default then looked at Turg's necklace and asked "Where'd you get that piece of jewelry?"
"Turg got it from his father." Turg answered as he let Default look at it. Turg then noticed someone further down the table staring at him like they knew him. A white man with blonde hair and facial hair. Turg chose to disregard it as he looked back at Default.
"It looks okay on you." Default told Turg as he smiled. The waiter then came and asked them what they would like. Turg said "Whatever Default has."
Default then said "Just water."
Turg then wanted to change his order, but it was too late and he was too polite to say anything. A few minutes later they came back with two glasses of water and Turg just went along with what Default wanted. Turg decided to continue drawing while drinking his water every once in a while until the same man who was staring at him came closer and sat across from him.
"You, I've seen you before and you're always with the Pickens fellow." The man said to Turg, who looked back at him and waited for him to continue.
"You see, he doesn't like it when I am near, always gets too violent. So, I need you to relay a message to him." The man continued.
Turg then asked "What message?"
"That he is behind on his debt. He still owes me money. You can tell him that Mister Smithson told you this, he'll listen." The man told Turg before adding "This is important, otherwise you'll never see him again."
Turg then knew who this man was, the guy Jim always complained about being a 'greedy bastard'. Turg nodded and then Smithson said "Good, you're more compliant than him."
He then asked "I've also been wondering, are you his experiment or something? You don't look like something from this world."
"No. Turg is not experiment. Turg is Jim's partner." Turg answered. Smithson then said "Now I believe him when he said the Grim Reaper was also his spouse. He's into some weird stuff."
He then looked at Default and added "I assumed she was with you."
"I am with him, but we are friends." Default responded as Turg looked at her and smiled a little. That's what he hoped would happen.
"Whatever, me and you two are going to become very familiar with each other soon. If Jim doesn't pay, then you will." Smithson said as he stood up and went back to where he was sitting originally. Turg was suddenly no longer comfortable, Smithson gave off bad vibes to him and he was getting the feeling that something bad was going to happen. He had to warn Jim, now. Turg left some money on the table and got up to leave, Default coming with.
"Leaving already?" Default asked once they were outside again.
"Turg has to warn Jim. Something bad will happen." Turg explained in response. Default agreed and went with him, it was a bit of a long walk back but Turg knew how to get back quickly, since he knew the location. The necklace his father gave him was no ordinary piece of jewelry and Turg was about to demonstrate that for Default. Focusing all his energy, he grabbed onto the pendant of the necklace and opened a portal to the magic realm. Default was not phased by this as Turg grabbed her by the arm and led her in. As it closed behind them, Turg opened another that brought him to the docks outside their home.
"Didn't know you could do that." Default said, she still had her neutral expression and was still not phased by that. Turg immediately went inside and exclaimed "Jim! Something's wrong!"
Jim stopped what he was doing and asked out of genuine concern "What's going on?"
"Turg met someone who says Jim owes him money. Turg got bad vibes from him. Turg knows he will do something bad to us." Turg explained as Default entered the home. Jim's expression then changed to a worried one as he asked "Was he a man with blonde hair and a not-fully-grown beard?"
Turg nodded as Jim then said "Well shit, he's still onto me. If he shows up here and tries to do anything to us then he's a dead man."
"I just walked in on all this, but I don't care to know the context." Default said as Jim looked at her and told her "Good because you're not getting any."
"I would like some context, what the hell is going on?" Turg heard Emilee ask and saw that she was on the couch by the fireplace with the cats.
"Nothing! Nothing is going on that you all need to be concerned about! This is just between me and Turg!" Jim rather angrily exclaimed. He then took a deep breath and asked Turg with a more calm voice "Anyways, other than that, how'd it go?"
Turg waited for Default to answer first, she replied with "It was alright I guess."
"That's good. Turg, give me my wallet back." Jim then said as Turg did just that. Jim then said "I thought you two would be out for longer but I guess not, but I do appreciate you coming back to tell me this, despite my tone."
"Turg felt like it was urgent." Turg said to Jim in response.
"And it was, now I'm aware that greedy bastard is still onto me." Jim said as he went back into the kitchen before adding "Default can stay too if she wants. I don't mind. Could always use an extra hand in case something goes wrong."

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